Lilith BETRAYED Charlie & Lucifer? Hazbin Hotel Finale Breakdown & Theories!

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43 thoughts on “Lilith BETRAYED Charlie & Lucifer? Hazbin Hotel Finale Breakdown & Theories!”

  1. I now realize I completely misread the situation, and it seems way more obvious now that Lilith had a deal with ADAM instead of against him!
    Not the first time I Got something so blatantly wrong, won't be the last either, but promise I'll be doing a new video on the implications of that one sometime this week.

  2. I have an absolutely INSAINE theory. But
    What if AL is.. from heaven or some sort of Angel?
    1. He has been gone 7 years
    Lillith has been gone 7 years. Where has Lilith been?? Heaven.
    2. He hasn't been dealing in souls… why not? Angelic reason? Contract with lillith??
    3. Instant hate for Lucy. Like he's been around an ex? Lillith/eve?
    4. That line about "you should know what a human soul can do" i dont know somthing is saying there is more to that ..
    5. Most overlords deal souls. He has overlords on his radio show… are they suffering in another dimension? That sounds powerful… almost angelic???
    6. The comment of "unclip my wings" who has wings? Angels. Is he a fallen angel perhaps???
    7. He "manifested in hell" that normal? Even if it is; he was immediately powerful AF… like the deal had already been struck?
    And finally…
    how did that ..shield/forcefield repel the angels??? Sounds.. like he may be PART angel at least????

    I dont know
    That WOULD be the ULTAMTE twist….
    Especially if his plan is to takeover hell. Using his favor with Charlie to give HIM the throne????

  3. One minor thing i noticed is demons forget names of weaker demons of themselves.Alastor may have had his butt kicked by Lucifer or Vix 7 years and made a deal to Serve Lilth or Eve to get control of the other overlords.

  4. I don't think Lilith abandoned her family. I think there is more to the story. She was just sitting by the beach, alone. There wasn't anything present in the scene that made me believe she was having a good time. I will be shocked by whatever happens

  5. If you'd ever choose to rewatch can you spot some references that inspired the frame of the story that are from movie, anime and games. Like, the part with hollowgram Adam throughing Charlie out the office like Beast did with bell or when Charlie crested tightly to her shield constantly saying sorry.

    You can make a great bingo or eye-spy game out of it.

  6. At least your video thumbnail is still correct. After all, what else would you call Lilith residing comfortably in heaven, while her family is risking the armies of heaven in hell?

  7. Nobody's noticed that Lilith's linework is in colour, like the angels? Demons are outlined exclusively in black. In her scenes with Charlie, she's outlined in black. Now, she's outlined in colour.

  8. I think a discussion of Mammon being involved with Alastor may be warranted. It's come to my attention after my many re-watches of the show that Alastor's power color is always green. Granted, we've only seen Valentino and Alastor's chains, but it's just a very interesting choice that his color scheme is dominantly red, but he has green powers. Another interesting thing to note is that he spawned green hellfire to burn his coat piece that Sir Pentious stole from him, usually a color of hellfire only found in the Greed ring.

    Not to mention Mimzy's Mammon tattoo and her trouble with loan sharks. Loan sharks in general being very predominant in the Pride ring (as evident by the Angel and Husker episode).

    Can we also bring up the fact of LooLoo Land vs LuLu Land in Helluva Boss? With someone theorizing that Mammon may be the greatest evil in all of hell (kind of confirmed with how soft Lucifer's demeanor really is).

    Idk… I think a Mammon theory isn't too far-fetched. What do you think?

  9. Here is my thought, what if Lilith made a deal with Adam after Lucifier slept with Eve. There is evidence of possible infidelity by Lucifier when Lucifier is taunting Adam (and I think it is more than just an allusion to the apple. I think he banged Eve). If so, Lilith could be a scorned woman (Hell hath no rage). It could explain why she made a deal with Adam and abandonded Lucifier while still caring for Charlie. She didn't want to be in hell with a cheating husband, so she ended things and made a deal to get away from it all and even kinda made amens (ha) with Adam in the process of making a deal with him.

  10. I have a feeling for both Lilith and Eve disobeying Heaven that they know are forced to share a body, where they change over every 10 years or longer. Lilith always is seen to be wearing a pearl necklace while the "lilith" we saw had a gem necklace on.

  11. I've been watching your videos for years, Impcut. I've been following this channel for years. But do you realize the implications of calling Judaism and Christian beliefs "mythology"?
    I think you mean "theology."

  12. I think Lilith's goal was to enjoy Heaven's paradise by helping demons rise up against angels, for vengeance. Since it failed during the extermination in Hell, she decided to make a deal with the angels. If they let her stay in Heaven, she won't do vengeance anymore.

  13. 2:03 – Pffft-what?
    People REALLY think that?
    Sorry, but that's simply dumb.
    Lute was clearly seen CRYING after seeing Adam die, and there was no need to put up that as an act.

    Also, Adam isn't evil.
    I have no idea why do some people think that.

  14. My thought that what we are seeing is Eve disguise as Lilith as we don't ever see what Eve looks like even in the scene where we do see Lilith her face blurred out and their is photos of Lilith so we know what she look like why blur out her face in that scene if we know what she look like, so I think we are just seeing Eve disguise as Lilith even the shot in heaven she look mad when being called Lilith

  15. I really winder though 🤔 i mean if Lilth wants to betray her daughter and husband i think she might have a plan or least is scared of something that will come maybe Eve or Roo who could be dangerous creatures and lilth might taking steps to keep them from coming back

  16. I see a lot of people theorizing that Lilith made a deal to go to heaven to protect her daughter… but I don't think that's the case at all. Charlie is over 200 years old. While they don't state how long the exterminations have been going on, it's probably been much longer than the seven years she's been missing. She also obviously wants to be there, as Lute said she had to go stop Charlie if she wanted to stay there. So either the theory that she's there because she's Toxic Femininity tracks or she's got some long con going on… that somehow includes her sitting cozy on a beach and ignoring her daughter's calls for seven years.

    Toxic mom and/or shitty dad who means well definitely tracks with the creator's track record though. Stella and Stolas: shitty evil mom, well meaning but depressed/awkward dad who wants a relationship with his daughter. Blitz: depressed/awkward dad who wants a relationship with his daughter. Lilith/Lucifer: Mom ignoring her family on a beach for seven years and a depressed/awkward dad who wants a relationship with his daughter.

  17. Man, you are seriously misinterpreting the meaning of "Adam's deal is done". It should be pretty clear that Lilith made a deal with Adam in order for her to live in paradise. Now that he's dead, there is no more deal, and Lute is making her work to keep the perks.

  18. Even though this theory is based on a misinterpretation, I do find this video to be really interesting. Image some sort of AU where this happened, that would be pretty cool.

  19. i think that the deal was to make lucifer depressed by breaking up with him and taking his daughter
    so that he stops trying to make hell a better place.
    Didn't he tell Charlie that he tried but failed ? this is exactly what Charlie is doing again

  20. So with just 2:27 of a breakdown I believe Lilith has Alastair’s soul. That’s who has him “on a leash”. She kept him away until she needed him. Making the deal with Lute to get Adam out the way. Now that it’s a bit messy Lutes going to have Lilith clean up the mess. To which she will than demand Alastair to do, or reveal his “betrayal” and her own.

  21. My theory is that Lucifer cheated on Lilith with Eve. Because when he was fighting Adam, he said "Your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer, OR THE SECOND" He then made a trusting motion. Implying that he banged Eve. It would explain why Lilith left and hasn't been around for the past seven years. She found out about Lucifer's infidelity.


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