Lil Yachty: “I’m carrying your conversation on your podcast”

Inside one of his homes, Bobbi talks to Lil Yachty, who is the same age as her. Over a plate of warm cookies, they uncover the mysteries of life: How old are their kids? How did Lil Yachty choose his name? How do you pronounce Lil? Who is Bobbi, really? This deep conversation however is rudely interrupted by one of Yachty and Bobbi’s mutual best friends.


46 thoughts on “Lil Yachty: “I’m carrying your conversation on your podcast””

  1. Lil Yatchy just a GTA Character, be honest with yourself if you had ~$50M in the bank what would you do?? look at his house he obviously is gonna do things that make him happy , isn't that what we all are doing ?

  2. yall covid is still so real. these celebrities be staying 6ft away from normal people. welp this is our time to eat the rich, we survived a pandemic and they didn't, their immune systems are weak!!!!


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