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47 thoughts on “LIKE MOTHER LIKE DAUGHTER! Doria to the RESCUE of Meg as Sussex MARRIAGE CRUMBLES!”

  1. Harry is do dumb he walked into a spider's web with these two. They've probably taken all his family money by now and exploited every connection, hoping for global adoration and more money for Meghan. But it's gone wrong. Now there's just the 3 of them + Markus Anderson checking in now and then. They're probably eating each other alive, blaming each other for what's gone wrong, in an isolated, out-of-date mansion, with staff running away as fast as they can escape. It's like a Horror Movie… Where is Anthony Perkins when you need him?

  2. Meghan mustchangeand stop appearing to think she is supereria she is not. She is a female with a nasty past and she must do great penance for folk to overlook that. what she did when in the royal household is beyond anything we would have expected. made herself into a fiend

  3. The only thing Doria is there to is to help herself they are going to keep Harry drugged up while they steal him blind , the owner for the mansion wanted their property back , Doria knows how to rob ppl of their property after all look at what she did to her own brother n Thomas Markle (allegedly) , there are no kids or else Rachael would have taken n gone in hiding until she gets what she wants , I have no sympathy for Harry , one can trash their family indoors but when u use the media to trash ur family n try to destroy the institution that u grew up in then u knew exactly what u were doing , Harry knows his family love him so he had no problem treating them the way he does ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  4. She's only living with them because megalomaniac can push her around you only have to see the way she looks at her mother if Doria opens her mouth to speak Megatrollop gives her the nastiest look I think Doria is scared of the witch and the trollop needs to keep her close because she knows too much about what's going on behind closed doors

  5. Doria the Jail Bird has a lovely home now paid by her Daughter and Son-in-Law, probable giving her Daughter instructions on how to keep it in her hands, just in case there's a rift between M&H. What else do you need, a mother and daughter set-up, and a son-in-law who hasn't got a chance of coming through this very healthy and broke. The people who once love him don't want him in the UK ever again, other than in JAIL and his real family don't want him back, as he can't be trusted and they don't want his Nasty Shrew either. So is it gong to be, 'Well, you made your bed, now you have to sleep in it'. Fool!

  6. Lets call a spade a spade. Doria has lived with them since she basically aqcuried lily . Plus of course the con artist Doria is more than happy to live off her son inlaw live in a huge mansion with a pool a jacuzzi gym yoga stdio full time chef house keeper

  7. Rubbish she is trying keep getting money from Harry as the king sensibly wont pay. Surrogate kids are not Meghans and one is messed with inpetri dish to get child as much like Diana as possible. disgusting behaviour

  8. If the couple wants privacy so bad, who is letting out this amount of details?

    It is concerning the frequent reports of non-RXed self-medications and non-pharm entrepreneurship and children in the home.
    The stories about not getting along with the RF seem more like "drunk-dialing" everyone (who is programmed on your cell phone) in the middle of the night.

  9. They don't live at the Montecito Mansion because it was sold. They only rented space for PR. They stay at various hotels separately. Mattress Meg has never owned anything, she steals, grifts and blags for free stuff. Dorito is a ex-con trying to come across as cultured. Where do you think that Meghan learnt bed hopping for a grift? That's the reason Dorito married Thomas Markle Sr.

  10. THEY DO NOT OWN SHITE!!! Doria only stays at their cottage when she is babysitting and that is often!!!! So they can go consume illicit drugs and drink at the watering holes for the Hollywood A-Listers.
    Harry has a Bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hills Hotal where they also have the famous A-Lister bar and restaurant on the campus but Hazza is paying over ten grand per month for a bungalow.
    He probably picks up women or men there. Whatever floats his boat. He can also jet his paranoid asss to Vegas blackjack tables and nude dance clubs ๐Ÿ˜ฎ yeah. Even some giant cruise liners , they sometimes have a completely nude (clothing optional ) over 50 cruise . My son was with the entertainment group. He told me. I said omg and you look out at the audience and theyโ€™re all nude.?๐Ÿ˜ฎ he said yes and some people are dancing ๐Ÿ’ƒ to the shows and show tunes they play.
    He said cruises have a theme and I should go. I said no thanks the saying and beds might have crabs from the naked people sitting on the criuise ship chairs!๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽ‰ #Hollyweird๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜Š

  11. When there were speculations of either Meghan, Harry, or both providing information for Omid's book Endgame, could Doria possibly have been one of their mouthpieces? I think she is moving into the Montecito abode to be a witness to any of Harry's daiiy shenanigans in order to provide evidence for her daughter in a divorce court, eventually, in my opinion.

  12. I wouldn't stand an hour living in lies & deceits especially where it concerns my body, the temple of God. mM had lied thru her teeth & Harry, sorry to say has been poisoned by MM on contrabands' that he can't be without the supplier, Doria' & MM's company. It's total bondage. Only the Redemption of the Cross can save Harry. Not King Charles 3.

  13. Has her mother lost her driver licence for drunk driving and I would say it is financial mummy holds the secret money they have stole from the royals and charity's she needs it now she has no income the two evil woman should not be trusted mummy knows the scams and has shown her daughter look at poor Mr markle

  14. Megan is pushing for a title for her Mother and has been for a long time . By hook or by crook this nark will get what she had wanted most .Half in ,half out and a title for her Mother as well as her invisibles . That way they all benifits
    Financially as well as all the perks . There is no honour amongst thieves or narcissists .Harry has to get out of this the way he got into it , by himself .


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