Lifter of My Head – Rev Albert Kang

When a crisis hits, the spirit can be crushed. When the crisis is created by a trusted friend or a close loved one, the devastation is most intense. Can you continue to trust in the Lord? Won’t you ask God why did He allow this bad thing to happen to you? In this message, you will learn how King David handled his crisis. How without warning, the son whom he treasured turned against him. It was not just the rebellion that troubled the elderly king, it was that murderous scheme that cut really deep. His own son wanted to take his life and his throne.
Listen to Rev Albert Kang’s message and discover the secret of David’s resilience and ultimate victory.

Rev Albert Kang is the Lead Pastor of FaithLine International Ministries, Coordinator of Elijah Challenge Asia, and Director of Healing Encounter Ministry.

FaithLine International Ministries
Faith Power Night
1 March 2023

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