Life on Mars || Martian's Life on Mars || Latest Video ||

Life on Mars || Mars 4k Stunning Video || Mars Latest Video ||

#lifeonmars #marsnewstunningvideo #nasa #mars #curiosityrover #perseverencerover #marslakes #marswater #marsnewpanorama #nushisshokherdunia #marsufo #marsin4k #marslatestvideo #marsalien, NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS


11 thoughts on “Life on Mars || Martian's Life on Mars || Latest Video ||”

  1. दोस्तों 4/5दीनोसे नासा के मंगलग्रह के वीडीओमे एक सीधी लाइन लकीर दीखतीहै तो क्या नासा वालोंने मंगलगृह पे
    इलेक्ट्रीकके केबल बीछाना शुरू कर दिया है/धन्यवाद

  2. How about you stop with the fake images? You're taking the piss out of people who have been researching the real anomalies on Mars for years because when people see this pile of crap they think everyone involved in this is like you. You have obviously got some talent with photoshop how about using it properly? 32 thousand subs? Nah, don't think so that's fake as well. Stop the fake channel its embarrasing.

  3. That is just a rock formation. What you are experiencing is called pareidolia, where your mind sees familiar patterns in things, such as faces where they are not, or in this case, an anthropomorphic body.


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