Libya – Destruction of a nation | DW Documentary

In 2011, Libya’s longtime dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi was overthrown and killed by French-backed rebels. A decade later, once high hopes for a “Libyan Spring” have long since vanished, as Libya is torn apart by civil war.

Foreign actors like Turkey and Russia are also moving in. “They’re slicing up Libya like a cake,” says Libyan activist Emad Shanab. Ankara and Moscow have seized their opportunity to gain a foothold in the Mediterranean country, upsetting the region’s geopolitical balance. In the chaos that followed the fall of Gaddafi, the terrorist militia IS was also able to set up operations in Libya.

A popular uprising degenerated into ongoing civil war. The eastern and western parts of the country are divided into different camps under two rival governments. The younger generation is traumatized by ongoing conflict. As activist Emad Shanab asks: “How long can this go on? What do we have to do? Leave the country? Die? Is dying our only choice?”

Europe is deeply divided over Libya. The divergent strategies of Western powers, with their conflicting economic interests, are only driving Libya further into disintegration. An influx of sophisticated weapons – despite a UN embargo – poses a growing threat to the security of the entire Mediterranean region.

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41 thoughts on “Libya – Destruction of a nation | DW Documentary”

  1. The vast majority of people know that USA & NATO were responsible for anarchy in Libya. Other players are not that relevant in this brutal game. Hope that peace gets restored in Libya!

  2. There is one very important and crucial detail, and I suspect it was left out intentionally. When they mentioned the 2014 election and how the war started right after that election, the 2014 election divided the country because the Muslim Brotherhood Part who lost the election drastically, they took over Tripoli by using their militias and controlled the major country apparatuses such as Libyan Central and the Libyan Oil Administration, and rejected the fair elections that they lost! Their rejection to the elections results are the main reason for what's been happening in Libya.
    Furthermore, the Muslim Brotherhood in Tripoli was supporting the extreme groups all over Libya, Especially Eastern Libya to committee all kind of atrocious acts and the War in Benghazi between 2014 and 2019 is the biggest witness for their evil intentions. Another interesting coincidence, no mention to the War in Benghazi between 2014 and 2019 the literally destroyed most of the city!!
    Also, No mention whatsoever of the heavy Turkish miltary presence in Libya and the over 2000 Syrian mercenaries they were brought to Tripoli to fight on behalf of the Turkish government in Libya which supports the Muslim Brotherhood!!
    This is a grossly one sided documentary and they just want to blame Europe's number one Enemy now, Russia!!

  3. William Brangham.. PBS News hour ( Reference Point )..
    ExxonMobil Nearly $20 Billion in Profits..
    Chevron $11 Billion in Profits..
    Shell $9 Billion in Profit..
    BP Over $8 Billion in Profits..
    World Largest Oil Company
    Saudi Aramco Report Making $42 Billion this Quarter..
    ( You Get the Picture )..

  4. USA is the devil for real,Their democracy is poverty, destruction and human right violations for others.iraq,Libya, Afghanistan the list is endless.corruption disguised as help is at their core of existence

  5. Let us face it, It is a tough truth but this all boils down to their own culture and lifestyle. You may blame the "outsiders" day and night but it is Libyans themselves who pull the trigger. Gaddafi's authoritarian regime had its pillars built on the definition and practices of the same culture.
    It is now absolutely preposterous and rather quite funny to blame the regionals or international powers for the miserable state of affairs in Libya.

  6. The stance of this documentary makers is so typical of blind to west and extremely alert to whatever the east does. Wagner may have not done a fraction of what the western private military groups have in the middle east.

  7. Like all the followers of western ideology, till a few years back, I too used to believe that democracy is a solution to everything. But, reading n understanidng the history, geopolitics and anthropology, I can say that for few countries, there existing systems ( even autocratic ) are better in comparision to a new system being imposed. Yes, a few changes are needed, but democracy is not fit to all solution, thts a naive idea. Saudi Arabia is pne example. It needs to make changes in its existing system, but, only tht will work for the country n not democracy in condition. Im saying this even after being from the largest democracy and also an advocate of the democracy. Read, and u ll understand what Im saying.

  8. Strange that the documentary does not get into the amount of interference by the US and Europe. As a European i am ashamed of our leaders who decided to essentially bomb Libya into a failed state then leave. Perhaps this is a simplification, yet i am angered by the western politicians who (also the Russians and Gulf states) who had a large hand in this devastation and were never held to account for their actions.

  9. West and USA is the main culprit of Russia Ukraine conflict they use Ukrainian against Russia, west do not want to fight a war directly with Russia.
    Their big tech, arms ammunition, drones companies are war mongers.

    Love and support to Russia from 🇷🇺❤️🇮🇳

  10. Actually the video should have started from Col. Gaddafi's regime onwards. How he was dethroned, who were the people who are responsible for the killing of Gaddafi etc etc…. This is an effort to whitewash America and its allies in Europe and their crimes. This docu is the MOTHER OF ALL WHITE-WASHINGS.

  11. The revolution? Or the UN/USA attack? The ones who chased and killed Gaddafi would never be able to do so if it was not for the USA attacks on the country. And now the russians are the ones to blame for the country destruction? lol Brainwashing much DW?

  12. As a neutral Libyan, this Docu doesn't show how bad the other side is as well, they cut the part about how Islamic extremists how they came to Libya in the first place and people suffered from them, how many Civil activists, human rights activists, women's rights activists …. were killed, kidnaped and assassinated, and those Islamic extremists were supported by the other side and help them to came to Libya from Syria by turkey (the head of all of these) funded by Qatar, and these armed Islamic extremists had official IDs and went everywhere in the country they assassinate how many are on their way…..
    and they were on the border of Eygpt ( now you know why Eygpt supported the other side ), just search of the assassinations that were taking place in the Libyan east of people with expertise in all felds, but who do not carry the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood (that is why the Hafter took over 85% very fast because 85% of Libyan didn't like the Islamic extremists )….
    to know who behind anything, just look of got all the benefits (Turkey aka Erdogan) he is the one behind all of this by the Muslim Brotherhood mafia funded by Qatar. I'm not saying the other side (Hafter are good as well).

  13. If I may add… In situations of prolonged conflict and political instability, the stronger power must come in to authority. Otherwise there shall be no peace. That is Tripoli and Misrata must surrender to Benghazi, for the sake of their youth, for the sake of protecting their natural resources than bartering it to foreign powers for security. It's a hard call, I am sorry…but this is the reality.

  14. Libyans in the diaspora did this. When the mass is blinded by foreign powers propaganda this is the result. They’re currently trying to make Ethiopia another Libya. Pay attention!!


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