Liberal-appointed Senator denounces Liberal 'censorship' bill

New Brunswick senator David Richards denounced Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act, in a Jan. 31 address to the Senate chamber. Richards was an acclaimed novelist before being appointed to the Senate by Justin Trudeau in 2017. In a speech that compared Bill C-11 to Nazi propaganda and Soviet censorship, Richards said the law “will be one of scapegoating all those who do not fit into what our bureaucrats think Canada should be.”

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49 thoughts on “Liberal-appointed Senator denounces Liberal 'censorship' bill”

  1. You are a grate man and my Canadian best friend I just met. You are the only one stood up and spoke wisely with commen sens among all cowrds and traders as we all have been muzzlled betraded by those who handcffed us in Davos chain.

  2. Just found out that the bill passed. Now the tyrant can jail everyone for telling the truth about Trudeau and his actions.
    Welcome to Chinada with Hitlers right hand man in charge.

  3. Great courage. Listening to this guy, made me think of the 30 min documentary ‘this pivotal moment episode 2’. The internet bill and it’s equivalent in the USA are all linked. As is the daily bombardment of TV warning us about scammers to frighten us into agreement to anything, including internet censorship and central bank digital currency.

  4. Senator Richards you have spoken so truthfully and wise that no one in that room even understands what you have said and that is very, very sad. So Sir, you thinking is so far above the rest they know not of what you have said. Canadians stand beside you 100% and those that didn't understand should bow their heads and leave the room now as the rest of us are ashamed of you.

  5. sorry there are no liberals in government right now. No one is voting for medicare for all, no one is voting for student debt forgiveness, no one is asking to take money out of politics, no one is against war. We don't have govt for the people, this govt is for the rich and oligarchs.

  6. I am not much concerned about the bill C11, as once the Liberals are kicked out along with their spouses from the NDP, this bill along the entire catalogue of liberal bills would be cancelled as useless and harmful to Canadians, I hope they would also be investigated for the frauds that were committed during these horrible liberal years.


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