Level Up Fast And Efficient – New World

Join me in this New World video as I talk how I’m leveling fast.

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47 thoughts on “Level Up Fast And Efficient – New World”

  1. I've done nothing but gathering, mining, logging etc.. from day one. I'm lvl 28 now and have not done any main story/side quest. Im working with star metal now after i get my star metal tools i will pause and do quest.

  2. There is always those people saying just enjoy the game dont grind that hard blabla(many do enjoy it like that) still then those cry when they cant access high level content and no one carries them in lfgs

  3. That's some solid advice bro yeah but I know I'm going to do is the same I'll pick up all the quests I can from the time and then create a roadmap in my head of how I'm going to get to each one and then look at the resource map and tie the resources near those points to the route I'm taking and then I make the route end near the city so I can empty my inventory rinse and repeat

  4. Newbies who cant be bothered to craft and just want quick cash always end up selling stupidly dirt cheap materials to me from my buy orders and I've been making a RIDICULOUS amount of money…I've made more gold than my friends 35 person company. Go do buy orders for resources like wood and then refine them and craft things with them, especially health potions!! I was selling one common health potion for 90 gold a pop and jesusssss I was blown away by how fast it sold and how easy it was to make. Dont miss out on buy orders, this will always be relevant even 1 year down the line, you will just need to do some calculations, but right now, no one knows prices so set a dirt cheap price and enjoy the profits!!!

  5. well m8 dont meta this you are gona regret it. ive seen people with 2 times the lvl you are on Midgard EU and they got 6-7 hours que´s. Just chilax dont race.. i mena you are like in the 30 ranges they pushed 50 yesterday. So there is a trick Not sure if you are doing it 🙂

  6. So I took a day off on launch to sweat it. I did 1-29 in 17 hours before the servers went down. I didn’t do main story until I hit level 26-27 when other people we’re starting staff quest. All I did was side quests and mine / harvest any iron / herbs or hemp. I only picked up kill quests from town boards because they share across all zones. I also always had faction quests and would only do factions IF it was by the side quests I did. Long story short I’m 37 now while working 8 hours a day. I have 120+ mining harvesting and skinning. I have stockpiled mats that can’t even be crafted yet, because server towns ain’t caught up yet. I finished all quests in first 4 starting zones at level 32. Never hit a exp wall. The #1 tip I have is to just keep moving , don’t stop, if you standing around thinking about stuff then nothing is getting done. If I didn’t have to work I would be level 50-52ish right now and be hitting 60 within the next day. Just be efficient with your time.

  7. Am I the only one thinking Demone's gonna say "Welcome back to another …genshin impact video" ..lol…man I'm glad I went with new world,cause it's such a great game..thanks Demone

  8. if you use radeon software, put recordings settings on high, bump up the bitrate and change the resolution to in game. your recording will look just like your game and much better

  9. Grab every resource you can and put it in storage. When your storage gets full, go to each station and make a ton of stuff. If you make a green item, sell it at the tradepost. If it's a white item, salvage it. Sell all alchemy and food items. Also, if you fill up your storage, it will pretty much complete many of the food/potion/item search quests automatically.

  10. I never understood why people have to level as quick as possible and reach max level in a matter of days. Why can’t people just enjoy the ride and everything the MMO others. These are the people that complain and wonder when more content is getting released. To me this is a nice chill game that I am in no rush to get to max level.

  11. all this meta bs is ruining new games today. just a few days into a new game launch there are a thousand guides on youtube telling you how you should play to quickly burn through the content and max everything out. it's sad really, because of you don't follow the stream you fall way behind and get pwned in-game if there's pvp. i miss the good old days before guides were so easy to come by.

  12. People keep being like … OMG the grind is so slow… The. game. came. out. 3 and a half days ago. Chill out and play the game – what’s the point in rushing to lvl 60 – PvP leveling keeps fights fair – once you blow through PVE content you are going to be sitting around grinding the same 5 dungeons waiting for wars which is basically spamming heals and AoE right now. What’s the rush?!


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