Let's talk about Trump's education campaign promise….

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46 thoughts on “Let's talk about Trump's education campaign promise….”

  1. Well, we know Trump has no idea what actual policy is and he is not a smart person. The people around him are not smart and are telling him what to say or do. It's a pile of MAGA idiots.

  2. The anti-vaccine thing isn't about covid anymore. It's anti-ALL vaccines. Every one of them. Flu, polio, you name it. Every single time I see one of those public service posts by a local news station on Facebook about being vaccinated, or information about RSV, shingles, pneumonia, flu, etc, the amount of laugh reacts equals or outnumbers the Likes. It's just unbelievable. Polio will come back. Measles. Small pox. It's not just covid! They're refusing to get their children vaccinated as well as themselves. The diseases we defeated will all come back because of what donald trump did during the 2020 Covid 19 Pandemic. The damage will last decades. It's not just what they're planning to do in the future. The damage they've inflicted on the country might already be beyond repair.

  3. so where is all the taxpayer's money going to go?
    i see people who have young children… that are going to vote for trump and his party….and they make me wonder if they even understand the long term, and how it will effect/affect their kids. i swear they are no longer really listening, but are caught up in the mob mentalty,

  4. The problem, with analyzing things Trump said is, he's so profoundly stupid it's like stating the obvious to anyone not viewing the world thru the MAGA lens.

  5. Many of the people who are cheering have parents who are to be their parents because they have a tale-tell mark on their arms that protected them from polio.

  6. Genuine question here from a Kiwi whom likes to follow Beaus take on things (gives me preparation for when certain mindsets show up here in NZ politics cause some of our politicos "monkey see monkey do" what happens in your neck of the woods)
    Anyhoo, back to my query:
    Has Beau ever had contact made from NBC, CNN etc for interviews and/opinion pieces? I'm asking because he has a VERY good read on patterns and real meanings, AND an exceptionally good way of examining and explaining without hyperbole. He'd be valuable as a means of educating people on a mass scale that MSM can, and still does, provide.
    Keep up the awesome work Beau! 👏

  7. The Christian Fascists have finally figured out that public schools are the great equalizer. The easiest way to get rid of that common unifier. When my dad started spouting John Bircher cr@p to me, I could say, but it's not true. Yes, Leonard & Robert are dummies, but Danny isn't. And Veleta and Norm are R. Catholic & have 9 kids, but most of them are really cool. So his recitation of racist propaganda didn't get far–personal experience told me he was totally wrong.
    Now, imagine that your school is all Southern Baptist, or SMU grads. Yep…that's why they always attack education and the educated.

  8. It's not an accident or coincidence that Trump's talking points echo that of Project 2025. Apparently, during the GOP primary, the candidates were all briefed on Project 2025, including Haley.

    Getting rid of the Department of Education, relaxing child labor laws, pushing for child marriages, cutting education spending, while at the same time giving private schools a bigger piece of the education funding pie, at the expense of public schools… you all can see where all this is going, right?

    Here's another chain. Corporations no doubt want cheap labor. What's cheaper than child labor? And if these kids are working for cheap, then why would they need to go to school? The federal minimum wage hasn't changed since July 24th, 1999. If things stay as they are, how soon before parents are forced to allow their kids to work to supplement the family income?

    Imagine future generations of Americans, uneducated. All they know is work. They'll be easier to manipulate, lied to, and they'll believe every single thing the're told by their party of choice, the same party who conveniently wrote and passed the legislation to make it all happen, but will instead point their fingers at "The Others", targets for them to scapegoat.

  9. All of the above. Vagueness allows The Listener to fill in the details in whatever way works for them. And Trump is fine with that because all he cares about is getting their vote. Full Stop.

  10. I'm not an american here. Please turn on the lights.
    Vaccine mandate for what vaccine. MMR, ADT, or Chickenpox. Let's allow the children to get encephalitis. Or tetanus after they cut themselves. Let's just not care about these diseases. Americans "turn on the lights."

  11. "He just means the covid vaccine."

    "I'm going to build a wall." Oh, I think he means…

    No, the MF'er wants to build a wall. Nobody should be discounting the not 0% possibility he wants all vaccines removed entirely from school mandates. RIGHT DOWN TO POLIO.


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