Let's Play WoW – The Burning Crusade Classic – Tauren Warrior – Outland Leveling – Pt .18 – Gameplay

In this series, we’ll level through Outland, from 58 to 70 as a Tauren Warrior. This will be an immersive playthrough, I’ll be reading all of the main quests and keeping the music and ambient sounds turned up.

Professions: Leatherworking, Firstaid
Addons: Immersion, Questie


10 thoughts on “Let's Play WoW – The Burning Crusade Classic – Tauren Warrior – Outland Leveling – Pt .18 – Gameplay”

  1. I know what you are talking about with the music bro. I still get chills when I walk into Westfall and that somber music hits. I know that particular music plays elsewhere but it isn’t the same as when you walk over that bridge out of Elwynn Forest.


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