Let's Play Venba – A cooking game about family

Johnny’s been very excited to play Venba so what better way to do so than live on the internet? Exactly.



29 thoughts on “Let's Play Venba – A cooking game about family”

  1. omg, i had to pause and was late catching the end of Venba and now I'm sitting here SOBBING. SO GOOD, so emotional, makes me miss my mom so much. Might have to drag out the long list of family recipes she put together for me before she died and make something tonight.

    Also, as someone who turned 26 in 2006, omg you are all babies

  2. I'm not sure that I cried when I played Venba, but I ugly sobbed watching you play it.

    Food is one of many ways we show our love and care for those around us, and it can connect us with those who came before long after they're gone. Venba illustrated that beautifully. 10/10 game, 10/10 stream.

  3. I thought this would be a sweet stream to have on in the background at my desk at work. I was not prepared 😭

    It is an amazing game, though. No regrets.

  4. Damn, the ending for Venba brought back memories of my great-grandmum and grandmum, both of whom would feed me with their hands just like Venba fed her son when he was sick. I knew the game would be an emotional journey but didn't expect to be blubbering by the end.

  5. So glad Johnny and Spouse had a lovely belated honeymoon.
    Venba was just beautiful. I do enjoy a bit of emotional evisceration – Connie Willis’ Doomsday Book is one of my favourites, after all. And The Supper was quite delightful. It seemed like a whiplash change of pace, yet turned out to be quite an appropriate follow up. Who knew?
    PS, if it makes you feel better Johnny, in 1994 I’d just finished Uni.

  6. VOD squad here and oh boy does this stream hit me like a truck
    My father suddenly passed away couple of years back when he was working away from home…and although I am in same country,I now live thousands of kms away from my mother for work ,now I just want to hug her and I can't rn and it's making me feel teary
    Thank you Johnny for showing me this game,I think I really needed that

  7. Caught up with the ending on Vod and I'm sobbing. I've got a really difficult relationship with my parents and anything with a redemption arc like this just shatters me. Thank you for playing it with such emotional honesty Johnny.

  8. On the subject of believably flawed video game husbands, I’d love to see you stream Aurion at some point! Nobody played the damn thing in release so it’s perpetually on sale, but I think it’s a gem, if a somewhat unpolished one. The protag gives off a whiff of Trash Husband at times, but that’s because he’s only effin’ human, and one under appalling stressors. The writing consistently frames his mistakes AS MISTAKES, and the relationship dynamic is handled with uncommon nuance and humanity throughout.

    Edit: I was ten in ‘94, soon I will find a sunny clearing and let the forest make use of me

  9. Family recipes are difficult sometimes… My Persian grandma had a great rice dish recipe but she never wrote it down, and no one has ever been able to remake it…

  10. Hope the holibob was good. Glad to see you back. Just as I had forgiven them for the Deadlands cliffhangers, they go and gut punch us in the feels with Venba. Not even a tissue warning!

  11. oh god you know it's a good cry when johnny goes down and they take us all down with them

    i am so glad it didn't end with him cooking for her funeral. i would have had a massive and godawful strop, mark my words

  12. Haven't watched it all yet, about an hour in. That being said, I'm loving the theme's here. How accurate are these recopies? Are they authentic, or Westernized?

    Personally, I wish I knew a lot of my families recopies. My parents weren't the best cooks. My childhood was frozen food, microwave meals, and the occasional proper dinner, from my grandparents (or when we went out for food). As a kid, I didn't know any better, nor care about cooking. Those values weren't passed down. As an adult, I love to cook. It's something I had to discover on my own, when I left home. I started from rock bottom, literally looking up how to properly boil a potato. Now I have a lot of the fundamentals down, and do quite a bit of experimentation. I used to enjoy Chemistry at school, and love the similarities between the two. I wish I had the chance to learn from my relatives, or peruse their notes. It would help keep traditions alive, and bring back memories of them.

    Update: That game was beautiful. Thank you for introducing it to the stream.

  13. I needed more than a 5 minute break before I could get my s**t together there at the end, but thank you for playing this game. I don't think I would have noticed it otherwise.

    I've got a lot of sad family stuff going on right now so this came at exactly the right time for a bit of personal catharsis.

  14. Warning: Incredibly heartwarming, beautiful game alert.

    Sorry, I’ve watched a bit more of this stream now and I meant heartbreaking, but still what a beautiful game!


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