Let's Play Quest for Glory II VGA #20: Seeing the Sights of the Desert

While we’ve travelled about a significant portion of the rolling desert sands surrounding Shapeir, there’s got to be more out there than the oasis. Such remote places are bound to be critical to our later efforts in saving this land and it’s best we find them while we’re not under a super overbearing time limit.

There’ll of course be foes that oppose us as we cross the many dunes in search of places of interest and while we’re more than a match for brigands, that’s not all that’s out there. Scorpions aren’t as bad as they used to be so long as we don’t let them use their stinger on us, but Terrorsaurus still pack a mean punch. I’ve yet to learn how to counter their many different attack but I also hope not to face them too often as there’s no monetary reward for doing so and I’d like as much of that as possible.

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12 thoughts on “Let's Play Quest for Glory II VGA #20: Seeing the Sights of the Desert”

  1. Someone cursed into being a tree? Perhaps someone who knows of magic would be able to tell you more.

    Note, if you didn't get the feather under the rock, you can ask the griffin and he'll tell you it's there. At least, you'll think that's what it said. You really should have bought that Griffin to English dictionary.


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