Let's Play: IXION – Building/Exploration/Survival – Ep 1

“IXION combines city building, survival elements and exploration, into a thrilling space opera as you explore the stars.”

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42 thoughts on “Let's Play: IXION – Building/Exploration/Survival – Ep 1”

  1. At what point does this turn into the plot of The Expanse? "That's all we are to the Earthers and Dusters. They built their solar system on our backs, spilled the blood of a million of our brothers; but in their eyes, we're not even human anymore." Enjoy the inevitable uprising.

  2. Aww I don't know it looks nice but it looks like it's going to fall short of what I would like a O'Neil cylinder simulator to be.
    When then say population of 79 do they actually mean JUST 79 or is it more like 79,000? cause your not colonising any worlds with 79 people…

  3. Why would there be a spaceport in Norway? I thought you want to be as close to equator as possible, which is why the US, the Soviet Union and the EU all built their main spaceport in their southernmost parts (Florida, Kazakhstan, French Guiana).

  4. You joke about being able to disable eating sounds, but for some people (like me, hi), they trigger severe misophonia. It's worse than the proverbial nails on a chalkboard (… which strangely doesn't bother me at all).

  5. I have severe misophonia so I'm super grateful for the devs to include the removal of eating sounds. It might sound absurd for most people but I wouldn't be able to play this game without wanting to break my computer and be completely and instantly in a foul mood.

  6. Glad I watched this, was turned off by the opening cutscene. If you're going for a future-cool vibe, picking a date less than 30 years in the future, when most people playing this game will still be alive is a terrible idea. Same with the ridiculous techo-babble. If your building game has terrible worldbuilding as its setting, I'm going to expect the rest of the game is just as carelessly made.

  7. Less than 30 seconds to go and maybe we should put up the deflectors… oops one is jammed. Count down continues.

    Gonna launch a missile with enough fuel to end this mission and we aren't even gonna open hatches until less than 15 seconds remain… oops one is jammed. Count down continues.

    It's 2049 And were still using disposable boosters.

  8. I've been playing a lot and it's an excelent game but the exploration system is horrible I hate it. Its basically
    "Do you want to investigate more?"
    "Yes I want content, also FOMO"
    "Ha ha, you pushed your luck too much, you loose everything."
    Just save before every event.

  9. too bad this game was DOA. launched as a beta with the worst bugs. supposed 1.0 is a fraking ea release. then released patch that broke it more lol then rolled back to less broke.


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