Let's Play Diablo 2 – Cold/Fire Bowazon | Part Normal

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mrllamasc


29 thoughts on “Let's Play Diablo 2 – Cold/Fire Bowazon | Part Normal”

  1. man, this is clitbait! i expected let's play but it is speedrun 🙂 i also expected mr. llama but there is some 40+ hairy ugly twin or something 😀

  2. I have missed these guided playthrough so much, I like to play them in the background while I drive for work and listen. Unfortunately your voice is incredibly quiet in this one and I can't hear what you are saying 🙁

  3. Sadly there is noway for me to play this game. Iam a sp gamer only and I played all the time offline with friends (tcp-ip)… Unfortunately, D2R does not support LAN play. This is a change people supported in order to encourage more people to play online. Thx for NOTHING blizzard and thx for NOTHING mr lama.

    Lama and blizzard said it would have offline support, fking LIARS!

    "Abandon your foolish quest! All that awaits you is the wrath of my hatred! You are too late to save your reputation. Now you will join him — in Hell!"

  4. if anyone is making this character while also making a grail, vidalas full set absolutely slays early in normal on P8. i use cathans helm with two cathan rings and that gives a massive +30 to strength and only requires level 11, and 23 strength to wear the helm. that covers the strength requirements for the vidala bootsr. vidala boots armor and amulet gives +26 dex, which covers your dex for the bow. additionally deaths belt and gloves together gives 30 IAS and 15 all res, and the belt has cannot be frozen on it. vidalas set gives a massive boost to your AR too, making almost every attack hit.


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