Let's clear a few things up | My thoughts on Acal, Tom, and Dax.

These are my thoughts on @ACAL1 @TomMacDonaldOfficial , and @Thatsdax . I was going to respond to every comment on my โ€ฆ


42 thoughts on “Let's clear a few things up | My thoughts on Acal, Tom, and Dax.”

  1. So many stupid lies & denies by the snowflake generation ๐Ÿ˜‚ Everyone is upset & offended 24/7! People need to chill out, enjoy the sunsets & listen to the wise words of Captain Curt! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿšฌ๐ŸŽถ

  2. I agree Curt they should have been honest that is why there only selling a is because of DAX being with a label thatโ€™s probably all they are allowed to do so more or less theyโ€™re working with the label to

  3. Now that I know this it makes me angry because I feel deceived and lied to also Curt thatโ€™s why they had all these problems so really they had to work with a label to do this so really there not independent anymore

  4. If you have to work with record label to and they had to to have Dax in a song because of his contract would that make them not independent anymore even though they are not signed

  5. โ€œIโ€™m not saying theyโ€™re bad artistsโ€. No, youโ€™re saying you feel gross about being lied to. I get it. Itโ€™s one of the reasons we like independent artists – authenticity. Maybe Dax isnโ€™t on a label anymore.. but a lack of transparency here is weird.

    Donโ€™t literally market yourself on a lie. Obviously it matters or they wouldnโ€™t have used it to sell the song in the first place.

  6. Good for you. There was a lady years ago that lied about being a 9/11 survivor. She did a lot of good for victims, but her lies caused damage too. Not wanting to be manipulated, then being told โ€œwho cares if theyโ€™re independentโ€ is being fed a straw man argument.

    Itโ€™s not about the independence, itโ€™s about the lie.

  7. Honestly dax fucked the entire song up with his squeaky ass voice. Adam and Tom should have left his ass off that song for sure. Now, I have to trim dax's trash verse off the song myself

  8. Like Jelly Roll, Dax has a distribution association/connection with mainstream which makes touring easier and makes them eligible for awards. And like Jelly, I suspect Dax still has his creative control and independence to make the music he wants. Dax wouldnt be able to make songs about God if he didn't have creative control ffs! You make it sound like an arrangement like that is being a sellout when it's not. Btw. This was the 3rd song Tom and Dax have done together.

    Your problem, like many of our youth today, is you don't understand the English language. It is listed on the Black and White song that Dax appears COURTESY of Columbia which means FREE. In other words, his involvement with the song has ZERO ties to mainstream. The song was ๐Ÿ’ฏ independent. So Tom did NOT lie or deceive anyone. Tom discussed in another live about how he argued with Sony for them to release one of his features (Dax?) to be able to work INDEPENDENTLY on the Brave 2 project. For his own releases since Aug/22, Dax may have an agreement with Columbia but he worked as an Independent artist for this feature. So yes, this song is the biggest and first time 3 of the biggest independent artists have worked together. And the big surprise at the end was the announcement of the Brave 2 CD release date.

    You're making a mountain out of a mole hill and creating animosity, division and drama for no reason. Knowing too how you're a big Upchurch simp and how Ryan has been dissing Tom, Dax and even Acal lately, this only makes Ryan look even more envious and jealous of their success. It's pathetic.

  9. Looks like I am one of the subscribers that doesn't comment often, lol, so here's what I think. I agree with you. It's the principle of the matter, why lie, or omit things? The song is good and it was bringing people together. If they had just been upfront this wouldn't even be an issue. It could turn into a big deal if its not addressed. I think it is probably because we expect independent artists to be honest with us. Not really sure why, most people have a hard time being honest with themselves. Lol Thats why I appreciate Church, he is pretty straight forward.

  10. Antics : mischievous behavior that's all I see out these haters and I'm never ever contributing a view to them ! Or ever listening to the Crapola it hurts my ears everytime and gives me a headache! Like torture basically ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ˜  I can't stand headaches ๐Ÿ˜ซ!,

  11. that God awful picture in the pink shirts the Disney crap the damaged beyond repair I'm not ever listening to this weirdo crap ! It's awful ๐Ÿ˜–! The ignorant statement, the rude timing the weirdo pictures not my thing yuck ! I will never run a Jr track or a tm track or ac track ! Ever ๐Ÿ’ฏ Upchurch may seem like he retired but really he just retired them ! b luce and Upchurch are super fuggin smart ! ๐Ÿ˜Šโค ! To disassociate themselves from these people! I know I am too ,good lord I'm actually embarrassed for them I don't trust Jr, tm or ac as far as I can throw um and that wouldn't be far ! That's for sure ๐Ÿ’ฏ they are a stain on the lane ๐Ÿ’ฏ


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