Lenin – On strikes


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12 thoughts on “Lenin – On strikes”

  1. Many of these tactics are used today to suppress actions of the working class. Listening to much of this could have been a narrative on global events vis-a-vis the ruling class vs the workers!
    For example – the Turdeau government cynically smeared the truckers reputations and then ‘starved them out’ by freezing their bank accounts and the bank accounts of those who donated to them. They criminalised those who brought food and supplies, yet this was little reported in the western mainstream media!
    Only a hiatus in the U.K. Tory government has put the breaks on a full scale onslaught against the workers here. Now ‘Psycho-Warmonger Liz” has taken the reins, we can expect to see a pushback against people striking to keep their heads (and those of their families) above water. The power is in OUR hands though ✊

  2. Hey komrade, you should send this to all the Venezuelans and Chinese citizens currently getting starved, attacked, and kidnapped by the communists in their countries. They may be miserable and imprisoned but they obviously don't know what TRUE communism is, right? It's going to take us white middle class saviors to show them that it's actually for their own good 😎🚔


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