Legion TD #223

Legion TD is a popular Warcraft 3 custom Tower Defense Map that has players cooperating in 2 teams of 4 to battle each other by building strong Defenders to survive vs the waves!

Download Legion TD Mega 3.46 https://docs.google.com/document/d/19yNoD_om7YwtNLDeCb8_a6EfgzQzxoomzNt_ELAhT4s/edit

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0:00 Spin the Wheel
3:06 Gameplay

#wtiiwarcraft #warcraft3 #warcraft3reforged


30 thoughts on “Legion TD #223”

  1. 2:20 if he denies it, I suggest keeping the race (not removing it) because maybe someone else would like to play it and if everytime someone said reroll that would leave with almost no races. Just 1 reroll if it's the same race then he has to play it. That's my suggestion


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