Left For Dead… – The Tragedy of Back 4 Blood

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The trailblazing Left 4 Dead and its 2009 sequel redefined cooperative shooters, carving out a new path in the genre that later paved the way for countless co-op-centric experiences. Despite their best efforts, though, no development team could recapture the unique thrill of zombie killing in the Valve-owned franchise; as such, the company’s decision to cease regular support on Left 4 Dead 2 marked the end of an era. A much-coveted Left 4 Dead 3 wouldn’t reinvigorate things either, leaving other studios with the task of carrying the torch. But the likes of Killing Floor 2 and World War Z, while admirable in their own right, arguably paled in comparison to that which came before. With the industry still itching for a comparable zombie experience, Left 4 Dead’s original creators took it upon themselves to revisit the genre through the lens of a new IP—Back 4 Blood.

Billed as Left 4 Dead’s spiritual successor, Back 4 Blood followed the same basic structure—pitting up to four playable heroes against zombie hordes in campaign and competitive modes. However, developer Turtle Rock Studios switched gears in some respects, crafting more capable protagonists, introducing card-based progression, and updating the classic L4D formula with modern systems.

The anticipation ahead of Back 4 Blood’s debut suggested the beloved zombie series had truly returned via another name, yet the former’s October 2021 release left much to be desired. Content-related shortcomings and a handful of technical woes plagued Turtle Rock’s new property during its first few months on the market, resulting in a rapidly declining user base that never returned to full strength.

This is the tragedy of Back 4 Blood.

Intro 0:00
Sponsorship 2:10
The Tragedy of Back 4 Blood 3:42

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39 thoughts on “Left For Dead… – The Tragedy of Back 4 Blood”

  1. idk, i prefer back4blood over left4dead2, its more easy to solo and you get grabbed a lot less and you can actually escape grabs, unlike l4d2. l4d2 feels harder and is definitely better by quite a bit in some regards, and back4blood had potential but they butchered it and just gave up now.. pretty sad to see. i enjoyed it. i liked the cards and customisation for weapons that they had, and the ability to sprint and stuff.

  2. I always feel awful when I see the devs talk about a project that later fails. I don't blame gamers for being picky or selective; it just sucks to see hopes and, all-too often jobs, lost when the game doesn't resonate with the consumers.

  3. B4B was my GotY 2021 and my most played in 2022 (700+ hours across 3 platforms). I'm a L4D 1+2 vet but the card system drastically mixes up gameplay, so much so that with different builds it can feel like you're playing a different game (e.g. a build where you have 100% pin-point accuracy, no ADS. No-scoping snipers accurately is a blast, or even concentrating a shotgun blast into a single point for insane DMG. Another build i use is a terrible accuracy/spread, no ADS build where shotgun impacts grant you temp HP so i'd be running around tanking anything/everything while maintaining high HP at all times). Discovering a new combination of cards brings new life into the same missions and this is where the game shines beyond L4D.

    The Crowbcat vid is quite manipulative in that he only focused on aspects L4D did better than B4B, while leaving out the (many more) aspects that make B4B shine over L4D, that L4D did terribly in comparison. Sure he's making a point, but it's disingenuous.

    Either way, i'll be keeping an eye out for Turtle Rock's next endeavour.

  4. I bought this game on a discount and after many hours it was just boring. The level design being extremely basic and most of the game just very repetitive. So now it just sits in my library.

  5. Oh snap I dont envy anyone who has to make a B4B video after the magnificent orbital cannon of truth Crowbcat dropped directly on Turtle Rock Studios. Didnt even need to use words to do it too. Beat that ish.

  6. I really REALLY think the shouldn't have marketed this as a successor to L4D. I really enjoy this game but not as a L4D successor but as a rogue lite horde shooter that was fun!

  7. I had fun with it, but with most games, you move on. Holly melee build was fun, but there's only so many times you can replay the same maps before you get bored, especially since there's no vs campaign.

  8. Comparing Killing Floor 2 with L4D2 is kinda a bad comparison, Killing Floor was never ment to be a Left 4 Dead replacement nor was it inspired by it. Killing Floor was actually first.

  9. What killed the game was the devs lack of care in terms of balancing. This game is one of the most unfair, unfun shit shows I've played. It was bad enough that the higher difficulties were completely unfair but when the community would find a reliable strat to get through levels efficiently the devs would just patch it out.

  10. I really hated the characters. Not a single personality stuck in my head. Combat was fine but the menus were clunky and should have been more streamlined. Multiplayer was a pain to get into and just didn't appeal to me. To sum it up the game was boring.

  11. The Card Based progression killed this Game for me. If I need to fix cards to make my Players more stronger or faster. Is no fun to me… For now I still have L4D on Series X and WWZ is the better LFD3 I needed!

  12. I never really enjoyed b4b. At first it was kinda of fun but after playing through the campaign and different modes, I couldn’t play it for more than 20 minutes without getting extremely bored. And if it wasn’t for gamepass I probably would’ve never played it. A bit of a shame it didn’t take off but I’m not surprised.

  13. I downloaded it bc it was free on ps extra and deleted it. Literally everything down to the way you move your weapons feels terrible. The kind of stick movement I'd expect from an indie ps3 game.


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