Leaving The Silicon Valley Elite to Serve Humanity

Scott Britton interviews HumanitysTeam co-founder Steve Farrell on his unconventional and inspiring journey from successful entrepreneur to uplifting human consciousness.

In the 1990’s, Steve Farrell had started two high flying Silicon Valley businesses respectfully doing $75 million in revenue when he recognized his call to serve humanity. By all traditional definitions he had “made it,” but recognized that his soul’s purpose for coming into this plane was more then just being a serial entrepreneur.

He left Silicon Valley and started his non-profit Humanity’s Team with Neale Donald Walsch, author of the seminal book series Conversations With God.

Humanity’s team’s mission is to make conscious living pervasive by 2040 by helping educate people throughout the world to awaken to the interconnectedness and oneness of everything. Over the last 20 years, they have created the #1 non-profit in transformational education bringing together some of the biggest spiritual leaders, scientists, and educators in the world.

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Humanity Stream+ provides you with access to hundreds of Transformational Education programs in Science, Business, Spirituality, Creativity, Relationships, Healing, and Conscious Living, with the most respected names in the self-development field. When you become a member, you also join a thriving conscious community rich in resources for people just like you.


2 thoughts on “Leaving The Silicon Valley Elite to Serve Humanity”

  1. Thank you so much for your perspective on conscious living. My story is too long so to make it short…My dad was much older than my mom. He was born in 1894. My mom 1923. He passed when I was 14 years old. He was a physician – my mom a RN. Years later I rummaged through his old books and could see clearly that he was searching…that he was beginning to see that there was so much more to Life etc. at that time I was also seeking and searching. I believe this is why I was drawn to find his books. So many on the metaphysical and bridging science to the spiritual. I wish I could explain more but I do not want to post a long message here. I just wanted to confirm that I absolutely understand and appreciate your dedication and passion. I’m excited and also have my own struggles to that which is absolutely true. I’ve experienced myself but I still at times live in fear. All I can say is that I’m working on it and I appreciate both of you and your work to bring more consciousness to the world. 🙏💗🙌


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