Learn How To Pray & Plead The Blood Of Jesus Over Your Home | Open Your Home To The Holy Spirit

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24 thoughts on “Learn How To Pray & Plead The Blood Of Jesus Over Your Home | Open Your Home To The Holy Spirit”

  1. I used to read the same copy of the KJV that was given to me in 1961 up until 2014. I memorized many verses out of it, and I have an exceptional memory. For instance I have clear memory of my 3rd B-day party and I can draw an accurate picture of my baby stroller. I cherished that bible, I always kept it on the top shelf where ever I lived and never put other books or anything else on top of it. Now, it's on the bottom of a big box of books that I keep in my closet!

       I started noticing changes in it in 2014 a couple years before I got my first computer and before I had heard of the Mandela Effect. Since 2016 I've studied the subject for thousands of hours, seen thousands of videos by other brothers and sisters who have searched for and found proof of what the KJV said before.        

       In Amos 8:11 God said that He was going to send a famine, not of food or water, but of hearing His words. In Daniel 12:4 God told Daniel to "seal" his book until the last days. And in Revelation 22:10 He told John not to seal his book because the time is at hand. "Seal" is defined as "protect from Satan" in Strongs. In Daniel 7:25 God said that the Antichrist would "think to change times and laws" (history and scripture along with laws of physics) and that God would give him the power to do so for a while. This is what the "lying signs and wonders" of 2nd Thessalonians 2 was talking about. As hard as it is for most Christians to believe, the proven fact is, all bibles have been supernaturally changed right in our homes and there are now thousands of scripture changes in every bible on earth!!!     

        God commanded us to "prove all things" and I have provided lots of undeniable proof for true followers of Jesus Christ in my playlist by typing in PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE.  👈 
       I haven't read any bible for years but instead have continued studying scripture by simply learning what all has been changed. Satan is imperfect and he misses stuff like bible quotes in other old books, videos of sermons, song lyrics, movie lines etcetera, and the videos showing what's changed always have these proofs of what was, that we refer to as "residue." (thus my name)     

       This is unquestionably the most important and exciting thing that's happened since the day of Pentecost! The strengthening of faith that we who have been given eyes to see this by the Holy Spirit have received is unimaginable!!! Unfortunately though maybe only 1% are seeing this, so far. 

       I pray that this will be as great a blessing to you and everyone else that reads this as it's been to me.

    P.S. If you don't know that the  💉  is the mark, just watch these! The buying and selling part is happening incrementally and will be complete when cash is abolished, (soon), and "worship can be correctly defined as to fear, obey, trust and depend on somethin or someone, which is what they are doing with the Beast system and the image of the Beast, (NWO & TV!) After people have taken all the shots they will apply a quantum dot invisible tattoo on their hand or forehead which glows under black light, but the mark is already in them after the first shot and when you go to any airport, they already know if you have it. So many believers who thought they would have to know they were receiving the mark, or that they would have been "raptured" before it could happen have already taken it…so terribly sad!


  2. JESUS SAVES!! He saved me from depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and behaviors. I almost died in 2012 and in 2019 until I finally called on Him to save me and HE DID! Not only did He save me, but He healed me, too. Go to him and ask for forgiveness. Ask Him to be in your heart and He will come to you. Ask Him to pour His Holy Spirit onto you and guide you through this life and walk with Him. Jesus Christ died on cross just so that our sins can be forgiven. No sin is too great. Just believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for us and resurrected from the dead. Confess with your mouth JESUS IS LORD. Call upon Him. The great I AM is coming soon! The creator of all things is soon to come! Time is running out! With love, I ask you to have faith. We all, believers and nonbelievers, will have to face His judgment someday. HE IS REAL AND HE IS COMING SOON! God bless you! 🥰

  3. Believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead three days later and repent of sin. Judgement is coming to this world. Also repent consistently. Jesus is coming soon. At any moment you can die and if your not right with Christ you would go to hell. If you died would you go to heaven or hell….

  4. Cree que Jesucristo murió en la cruz por tus pecados y resucitó de entre los muertos tres días después y arrepiéntete del pecado. El juicio está llegando a este mundo. También arrepiéntete constantemente. Jesús vendrá pronto. En cualquier momento puedes morir y si no estás bien con Cristo, te irías al infierno. Si murieras, ¿irías al cielo o al infierno…?

  5. Amen thank you so much for making this! 🙏 I have been shown in my dreams the past year that this is most important for the battle ahead and I need to prepare to do it in the real awake world soon! Be not afraid to speak in public or in front of others , myself I have anxiety when I have to do it and I feel the power when it works Glory to God I had to stop a big dog from attacking me one day and used my hand and shouted the blood of Jesus leave me be dog something like that and he ran away! Halleluyah praise God 👏 🙌 🙏 ❤️

  6. This is a strong warning: be discerning with the doctrines you consume from this channel – remember, not all of the things that pretend to be Christian, are. In fact, most of the Christian teaching in the world today has been twisted and perverted to serve Satan's agenda.

    You might think that it can't hurt to consume a little piece of demonic or false doctrine here and there (how bad could it be, right?) because one can't go their entire life having believed in nothing else but the absolute Truth. You might even think that it is inevitable to consume false knowledge since how would you know the difference anyway between true and false knowledge, but I think you would agree that that should never serve as a reason to be lazy in your discernment.

    Peace & Love

  7. This is a strong warning: be discerning with the doctrines you consume from this channel – remember, not all of the things that pretend to be Christian, are. In fact, most of the Christian teaching in the world today has been twisted and perverted to serve Satan's agenda.

    You might think that it can't hurt to consume a little piece of demonic or false doctrine here and there (how bad could it be, right?) because one can't go their entire life having believed in nothing else but the absolute Truth. You might even think that it is inevitable to consume false knowledge since how would you know the difference anyway between true and false knowledge, but I think you would agree that that should never serve as a reason to be lazy in your discernment.

    Peace & Love


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