Lava Cave Crystal Run! | Subsistence Single Player Gameplay | EP 460 | Season 5

Subsistence Gameplay Series

Subsistence Description:
Subsistence is a sandbox, first person, open-world survival game (singleplayer or cooperative multiplayer). Struggle to build a base and gear-up in the hostile environment. Defend yourself from wildlife and AI hunters (who also build bases in the world).

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45 thoughts on “Lava Cave Crystal Run! | Subsistence Single Player Gameplay | EP 460 | Season 5”

  1. Hi Ohno, was it me or did you leave crystal in the chest by the lava cave entrance? That was a fun use for the hang glider. It's just too bad it takes up a slot. Although, you could probably leave the bow and all but one arrow behind at the fishing hut and just carry the pick axe around to free up another slot. I mention it in passing since, except as a magnifier, you rarely use the bow in the cave.

    Until next time when you begin plotting Charlie's demise, stay safe, be well, and you have yourself a better one.

  2. I just got 4 solar panels of one charlie base run have screen shot of inventory at each chest I figured out a way to make them drop more often I have alarge storage unit full of solar panels and my power comes in at 13.47per sec

  3. hahaha omg i died laughing so hard when you did the energy boost and said you feel so energetic right now– you are such a character!! love you to bits.. thanks OhNo For the laughs..

  4. Ohno ~ "There could have been more crystal."
    Me ~ "Yeah, if you hadn't left ten crystal back in that chest, where you go down into the lava cave. Not to mention the coal and phosphorous."

  5. For me it became very handy to have at least 2 storage containers in the cave starting fob. The "stay" one and the "take home" one. Saves sorting time. Great ron although. Btw. I still prefer wearing my full clothing and go through a few more water for safety reasons instead of walking around with just the under pants…

  6. I think crystal blindness is a little more serious than grubb blindness! You left 10 crystal in the new crate! Great cave run! Loved the energy boost! You looted some antidote. Thanks for a great episode Ohno xx

  7. Ohno, you threw away in lava cave ammo casings and gunpowder. Maybe was better to make some bullets or shotgun shells. To free some space. And you killed a lot of rogues. It was very good episode. You can leave one set of climbing axes in cave for the next time. But jumping with glider in cave..this idea is fantastic.
    Thank you for a lot of fun!

  8. Not only is it impossible to accidentally fire the bow – the bow also gives me a sense of balance when moving. Without something in my hands I feel like a drone just flying thru 🙂

  9. It would have been good to eat the jam before diving into to the cave, so you didn't have to use an inventory slot up. You were hungry enough then.
    Nice loot overall – thanks for the fun episode.

  10. We can use the wood axe and the climbing axes to chop the cave crates open as well as the pickaxe. Best to use the wood axe as it's not useful for mining and the climbing axes are spendy to repair.

  11. Ohno… if you leave the Antidote you free up a space. You could also leave the axe to free up a second space if you really felt the need. You will be sad on the run back unable to hold scrap, nails, and kelp with your present load-out. Great episode and I feel for you when you read the comments about the crystal in the other chest.

  12. My cave chest keeps eating my canteens. I leave three behind and next trip I have one or none. I stopped making them. Just got too annoying. I just bring fifty waters with me each trip.

  13. OMG!!!!! It's all been said below….I've said it before young man, GINSING!!!!! But you are always FUN!!!!! Episode 500 is coming up…What's the plan for dat?

  14. I would leave the 12% protection from the jacket and pants. It's 39C no matter what, you will go though water anyway. I like to have as much armor against the miner's double barrels as possible.

    Just stick your hands in the lava…it'll take care of the bat blood. 😁

  15. Your like a absent minded professor Ohno 😄, its sooooo funny ! We where all saying " you have more crystal !!!" 😂😂😂 your Just awsome to see ! Just great ! 😁

  16. Ohno! you forgot…..LMAO! Sorry I had to. Really fun run down there. It was a blast! You have those bats dialed right in. I really struggle with those flying rats lol. My problem is letting them get too close before pulling the trigger. I took the glider down earlier this week as well in my season. It was so fun I climbed back up 3 times to go again lol. You really gotta appreciate the work CG put into the caves. There is nothing else like it in any game (Skyrim included) that I have ever played.
    Now people are really going to think I am imitating you lol. Similar name, build in the same spot and now the cave glider. Some of my viewers already call me Ogocoho lol.
    Fantastic run, you did well and came home with full pockets. You did great on crystal as well. I came back with 151 but I went all the way through to the north caves and back. Thank you very much for the work you put in to entertain us buddy.


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