Latvia's trouble with Russophone minority | Eastern Express | TVP World

The recent Latvian parliamentary elections will not bring about a significant change in Latvian politics. Negotiations will likely result in a centre-right government, with the New Unity party being its main force. A notable change, however, is the defeat of the party which traditionally represented Latvia’s Russian-speaking population. The party’s defeat seems to be down to the electorate’s disenchantment with its failure to implement its programme and the general population’s critical stance toward Russia over the war in Ukraine.


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19 thoughts on “Latvia's trouble with Russophone minority | Eastern Express | TVP World”

  1. These Russian speaking minorities or majorities better see themselves now as fully Europe and non Russian basically Latvian purely citizens of Latvia and of the greater Europe and now NATO Baltics pure Europe Russian or not these ones may forget liberating

  2. Do like the Ruzzians did to Latvians. Put them in a "hotel" that has iron bars and metal beds. Feed them a piece of bread/day. Keep them there until they get their minds right. Slava Latvia

  3. It ain't Rossophobia if you're against the war, this "Rossophobia" is something what Putin came up with. Absolutely nonsense, speaking Russian doesn't mean you're Russian or for the war and Putin.

  4. 30 years ago all previous USSR countries should omit Russian language, close russian schools and obliged them to study the language of the country they grew up and start learning the history of the country they live. In those previous USSR countries Russian speaking people operating like ghettos. All those countries were occupied by STALIN and he tried to establish RUSSIAN WORLD BY DESTROYING THE COUNTRIES CULTURE. All countries have the same problem. They are Russians but they dont want to live in Russia but all day they watch RUSSIAN TV and propaganda. I wonder what happenes in Lithuania.


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