‘Latest misinformation’: Chris Bowen blasts Coalition over car prices ‘claims’

Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen has blasted the Coalition for their “continual claims” the government’s proposed vehicle emissions efficiency standards would increase car prices, which he has labelled as “misinformation”.

Yesterday, Bowen claimed there would be no purchase price impact on vehicles under the proposed emissions standards changes, despite the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industry estimate that it could cost $38 billion over five years.

“I welcome the chance to correct the misinformation being put by those opposite,” Mr Bowen said during Question Time on Tuesday.

“This is the latest in a long line of misinformation.

“We have the continual claims from those opposite about car prices … this is just the latest example of misinformation.”


21 thoughts on “‘Latest misinformation’: Chris Bowen blasts Coalition over car prices ‘claims’”

  1. So, if we apply 'fact checking' logic, Bowen told us our electricity bills would be $275 cheaper by a certain date but they're a lot higher. That would suggest that the average saving of $1000 on fuel will actually be an increase of somewhere in the vicinity of $3000+. (Not sure where 'point of order lady (sorry, person, shouldn't assume gender) was at this point). Secondly, reading the emissions plan, car companies are going to be penalised if their ratio of car sales does not skew appropriately toward EVs. (Don't you love how a penalty for noncompliance is marketed as an Incentive scheme.) Given that (currently) only a small percentage of people are opting for EVs this would mean that these cars would need to be made cheaper to incentivise purchasers to want to buy them. Assuming that the current price of EVs is based on 'return on investment, but is still too high for the general public, the car companies would need to start offering these vehicles at prices that minimise the return on investment. Supposing that the car companies still want to maintain their profits, their only recourse is to gain a greater return on the other vehicles they sell, hence the suggested increase in the cost of current popular vehicles.

  2. how can they say you will save $1000 in petrol costs when it is allready more expensive to drive an electric vehicle from Melbourne to Sydney than a petrol vehicle and to push for renewables like wind and solar is only pushing the price of electrity higher so how is it going to save people a $10000 just another lie from labor

  3. So if you disagree with the govt narrative, you are a purveyor of misinformation? No, you are practical and logical, rather than radically idealogical, ignorant and stupid. This govt is totally out of touch with ordinary people.

  4. So everything she said was true and everything bowen said was innuendo and bullshit-how can you justify charging $17000 more for a car and saving $1500 a year on fuel as good news-thats a double dip on tax to the government and a double hit for the consumer-


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