Last 30 Minutes Of Death Row Inmate Before Execution (Documentary)

Let’s take a look at Last 30 Minutes Of Death Row Inmate Before Execution (Documentary)


32 thoughts on “Last 30 Minutes Of Death Row Inmate Before Execution (Documentary)”

  1. How or why would any DNA request be denied, but for the judge and prosecutor being in cahoots and knowingly withholding evidence, even when a prosecutor knows they are wrong , they will never admit it and would rather let an innocent man die than face up to their mistakes themselves, Any denial for DNA testing is a miscarriage of Justice on its own!!!

  2. so stupid, some of the evidence for some of these guys is so filmsy. how can u put a man in death row on filmsy evidence? idiots. this is the reason many ppl object against capital punishment even though im for it, but at the moment not because the system aka judges, lawyers, police are all corrupt as hell.

  3. the lady with 60 iq, come on she talks smarter than most kids, teens and young adults of today. having said that, if she really is at 60……thats very retarded….that's in Soomalee range. she shudnt be hanged for that. just wrong to hang adults who have brains less developed than toddlers.

  4. It's RIDICULOUS that we have men sitting on DEATH ROE after 30 + years..One of the reasons all of our jails are OVER CROWDED!! If these people/ monsters are condemned to DEATH..SO BE IT..GET IT DONE!! All its doing is draining our taxes to house ,feed, and clothe these creatures! That would help with the over crowding in our jails. Not to mention some violent offenders are getting half their time bc of the population in these jails!! Once they clear out the DEATH ROW inmates they can have some of that space back ! I don't understand why we're ( and I mean tax paying citizens) made to pay for these dregs of society! It's REEEAL SIMPLE! LETS GET IT MOVIN' PEOPLE!!

  5. I have absoluetly no sympathy with any of these people, they somehow commit the worst imaginable crimes, then when faced with the consequnce they either cry like a baby or calin to have changed behaviour, well they should have made that change before they CHOSE to committed
    their crims….

  6. To ensure his well being and safety, to maintain and ensure basic needs and security, he was comforted by authority in doing otherwise violent crimes.

  7. HUman nature is a mixture of good and evil, and human beings were "created" to be able to make "choices" on how to live, based on instructions from THe "BIble", i.e "the Ten Commandments", which are "Laws of LOve" for your neighbor and GOd. NOw, a person can choose to do good or evil, and since people were not created to be "Robots" but with brains to think with and to reason with, it is up to the each individual to do good or not it's called , "Independent FRee Moral Agency", or "IFMA". NOw I know childhood trauma can play a role on how some people grow up and think in society, but I for one "was abused" Physically, sexually, mentally/verbally, etc., at a very young age up into my teenage years, but I grew up pretty good I think, never been in trouble with the law and I am 65 years old. I Never used that as an excuse to do harm to others or get a bad attitude or abuse other people. I Made the choice to do what is right…..

  8. The Ten Commandments of those commandments says thou shalt not kill, granted these people did kill. The punishment should have been life in prison, but the so-called Christians believe in the death penalty and for that many will go to hell.


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