Larry Johnson: Ukraine War Viewed from MOSCOW!

Take a seat in #Moscow alongside the astute ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson, as we peel back the layers of Russian sentiment on the Ukraine conflict that might just challenge what you thought you knew. Our conversation, set within the storied walls of Moscow State University, brings an on-the-ground perspective to the fervor surrounding President Putin and the echoes of support that resonate at the International Russophile Movement conference. Delving into the heart of Russia’s self-perception as a Christian nation, we examine its multi-polar lens on global affairs and the conviction that Ukraine has become an instrument in the West’s symphony of pressure against Russian sovereignty.

In a riveting exchange drawing from Larry’s intelligence background, we cast a critical eye on a New York Times portrayal of the CIA in Ukraine, questioning the shades of truth within the narrative. We cross-examine historical military strategies against the backdrop of current maneuvers by Russian and Ukrainian forces, drawing parallels that are as enlightening as they are sobering. The discourse then shifts to Israel’s military posture and the reverberations through American politics, dissecting the Biden administration’s tightrope walk in dispensing aid to Ukraine. It’s a session that promises to leave you with a deeper understanding of the geopolitical chess game and America’s moves within it.



38 thoughts on “Larry Johnson: Ukraine War Viewed from MOSCOW!”

  1. I think the judge is wrong to call natenyhaou`s government "right wing", all murder and genocide comes from the left of politics, liberal socialists are the biggest mass murderers in the world, polpot, hitler, stalin, obama, biden,clinton,bush, all "left wing facists", some posing to be left of right wing conservative , it is very untrue the term "right wing means" war and mass murder, it is a ploy that those left wing genocidal maniacs, like to portray, when it is infact they that are facists, ………….

  2. The ukraine is not a sovereign country, it was stolen by barry barrack hussain obama in 2014, its true, he and his swamp army went in and kicked out yannachovic, the legally elected leader of the ukraine, and stuck his nose in there and claimed it for the swamp, putin is in the process of kicking barry right back out again, with his nato greedies, how embarassing for them………

  3. 23:35 the Pilot was a Jordanian anways I am not a Muslim and I knew from day 1 that !s!s t3rr0rist gr0up and those like them were a creation of Isrh3ll and their puppet usa. If these t3rr0rist groups were real J1had!st…..they would enter isr3al asap and kill those wicked folks. But.. No…they Rather attack Muslims. Thats that make sense?? Unfortunately larry someone who believes to this day thar 9/11 was Alqeada.

    Ps in the 1970s isis was their former name for their secrets service.. isis= isreali secrets information services

  4. 23:35 the Pilot was a Jordanian anways I am not a Muslim and I knew from day 1 that !s!s t3rr0rist gr0up and those like them were a creation of Isrh3ll and their puppet usa. If these t3rr0rist groups were real J1had!st…..they would enter isr3al asap and kill those wicked folks. But.. No…they Rather attack Muslims. Thats that make sense?? Unfortunately larry someone who believes to this day thar 9/11 was Alqeada.

    Ps in the 1970s isis was their former name for their secrets service.. isis= isreali secrets information services

  5. I got here too late to see the 300K breakthru – congratulations Judge Andrew & team you deserve it. Another great show, great info. How do we change this system to work for the people? Watched show on Wednesday afternoon – have you thought about getting Mike Benz on to discuss the NYT article ? It's the sort of thing he knows a lot about. Thanks to you and Larry.

  6. I spent considerable amoynt of time to catch up with my Russian culture, religion, politics. Russian Orthodox Church has rather pilitical grip on the minds of naive art of Russian public. Only 1 percent of Russian population attended Christmas services. To portrait Russia as a Christion nation is an overstatement. Church is continually loosing pipularity in Russia, there is no national Christian identity, only on the level of supestition, emotion, pilitical hipe, and cultural bewilderment. To give you an idea, I am a Christian, Russian, living in US, and listening carefully to the christian community inside Russia.

  7. A Major City of Ukraine will be an "ENTIRE CEMETARY "of 500K dead people ~ Improperly buried, total in the 10s of Thousands~buried in HUGE, "Unmarked PLOTS", IN THE FIELDS by the Generals! The Generals didn't count the dead, cont'd to receive $ as if still alive; pocket the $ for their Personal Gain!!
    How 'bout their families? They weren't notified – STILL DO NOT KNOW if they LIVED OR DIED!!

  8. Zelensky = New $Billionaire; Biden~Same! Next, we'll see Biden try to Instate Zelensky into the Oval Office – The New Invisible President! What's to stop him? They are doing that very thing – and WILL NOT EXPOSE WHO IT IS!! They are LYING TO "THE PEOPLE"! WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!! STOP THE INSANITY!!

  9. I believe GOD STOOD BEHIND "BUSHNELL" that day! God does NOT TELL us His Secrets – He SHOWS US!! I Believe WE WERE SHOWN A "Special SACRIFICE" as in the Biblical WORD OF GOD! Many fell, but FEW honorable mentioned Biblically – "God's STRENGTH" – God strengthened the SOUL within HIM! READ the Book of REVELATION – It should Scare the HELL out of you — It is INTENDED TO! I absolutely BELIEVE THAT GOD IS SPEAKING THRU This young AIRMAN, & he should be HONORED for his SACRIFICE!!
    Look to the OT! Those who gave their SOULS & ACTS of DEATH upon~ SACRIFICING "themselves"~An Order to fulfill God's WILL! How many did that? NT: Jesus Christ! The Disciples that did THAT? Peter – DID die for God, Jesus Christ – THE WORD of was SACRIFICED! We praise Him! Bushnell could be a "Messenger of God"!! WE DON'T KNOW! Could I do that? No, I couldn't! You?
    There are MANY "Less Known Soldiers of God" that WE are not aware of – WE are NOT capable of being that brave – The MAJORITY of us could NOT do THAT! That takes such a "Special Commitment" to GOD! It's called a SACRIFICE, in the BIBLE, if it's in the Name of God! His Word – and praising the Holy Spirit!

  10. The CIA routinely leaks stories to the corrupt main stream media (like the NYT, who has misrepresented the war from the beginning and never provided its readers with the historical context of the invasion, pushed out a steady stream of our government's propaganda and has been a staunch supporter of the war) always for a given reason and you always have to ask yourself with each leak, why does our government want the public to know?

  11. My grandmother, born in the 19th century, was very religious Orthodox Christian…but her son, my own father became a very committed Communist, as soon as ww2 finished. And that was very common in Eastern Europe.

    The fact is, that we all in Socialist Eastern Europe, never made religion illigal, as western Propaganda misrepresentation.
    We just pointed out the failers of religions to be guiding forces and representing truth about creation. The bible was laughed at, by ordinary people, as even the contemporary 5 year olds did..not by the state.
    However, we all encouraged all religions to live in Peace, in the East. Racism, xenophobia, hate between religions..are all products of political oppression, domination, etc.
    Henceforth, it's nothing new about peaceful coexistence of religions in the Russian Federation today. It all started in the USSR.

  12. No other country gave the Jews better protection, equal footing in society, than all the Socialist states did, in Europe. We gave the Jews not just bread…bur also homes, jobs, pensions, and most importantly equal political representation in the state. More Jews became Communists, and members of the Central Cometees, tgan any other minority.


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