Lance Answers Your Questions About Mario And The Prophets

Lance Answers Your Questions About Mario And The Prophets

In today’s Lance rant, Lance discusses the state of the church and his recent talk with Mario Murillo. He’s diving into what a false prophet is, the silence of the prophetic community being as powerful as the utterance of a prophet, and the needed revival in America.

Podcast Episode 895: Lance Answers Your Questions About Mario And The Prophets | don’t miss this! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at


43 thoughts on “Lance Answers Your Questions About Mario And The Prophets”

  1. I have a question would love a answer. God does things in his own timing and his own way so could of God wanted Biden to get in office and show all the horrible things he has passed and messed up the country. I think the church is so pathetic right now and been for many years now. The church and Christians don’t have a clue with what’s going on for the most part for many many years now.

  2. I would point out that Lance himself has had two prophetic guests on who are questionable. Jeremiah Johnson apologized for saying trump would win and Chris Reed is a prophetic plagiarist, which is demonstrable in his 2023 forensic video part 2 released last week, it’s word for word another prophets.

  3. These people are brilliant enough to knot give achit about the establishment that's ingrained in the problem and NO Where Near Being a part of the solution.

    GOD will do for us what we can not do for ourselves……lookout WORLD – especially those of you who are knot ready for the change that is coming to our earthly meccas……

  4. Lansage you know Amanda Grace is an awesome and season property of God I do not speak ill of anyone especially especially a prophet because if they are a true prophet and you speak it was them you are speaking ill of the Holy Spirit giving them the words these burdens my soul what you guys are doing I love you and I love Mario and I do not know where this is all coming from it is upsetting and confusing to a lot of people God is the judge not us people are stepping into God's place here is a prophecy you might want to listen to I love you and Christ my brother and we all need to continue to pray for Lance in Mario all of the true prophets being bashed right now the Lord it a few months ago through his prophet that a demonic Spirit was going to the men of God fight against each other this is heartbreaking coming from Mario I am praying for discernment this is breaking my heart I never knew he would call names and just cold people out that I really believe or true prophets of God I feel like he is making himself God God is the judge and if he wants to shut them a prophet down he will we are supposed to stay on our missions God has given us and not bash other people God help us in please give these men of God discernment

  5. Lance and Mario God tells different prophets different things just because it did no it shows that Donald Trump came back are won does not mean Robin Bullock in the other prophets coded wrong maybe the media is so lying to all the people and covering up for the election fraud people just don't know a lot of the truth yet but God is getting ready to bring it out and then what're you going to do apologize for calling these people false prophet I heard you Mario talking about wild wild west people standing up there giving words or something to that effect you were talking about Robin Bullock I have a feeling Jesus had long hair Maurice a lot of men in Bible days did It is is blowing my man that you are doing this Mario you are Mario a prophet of God but you are not God it is concerning me you are sitting up here time and time again acting like you are God and the judge I love you please repent this is upsetting to me I also love brother Robin and sister Robin any two goddess turns me not to watch them anymore I am going to continue to because they have not turned back and cut you down like you have them this really bothers me that's all I got to say not because of brother Robin God is the one that matters to me but you are causing chaos what if you turn a lot of young people or people that loved brother Robin away because you have made yourself the judge the salvation of these people get lost because they lose trust in profit you do not know that brother Robin he's a false prophet has God given you that word the question I truly have other world for you and Lance did God give you this word that brother Robin was a false prophet or Kat Kerr God in a box God knows time progresses in different generations change I think a lot of people get stuck in the old generation I think God calls it old wineskins and I'm going to my discernment from God Is this coming from you Lance and Mario's heart God give you this word Thank you and we love you

  6. A lot of prophecies from Bible days have not come to past yet Wow Maybe it did come to pass The corrupt news just kept it from us well if you want to prove it to us like you want you or calling the other prophets fake say will you let us know did God give you this word the God tell you are Lance that Robin bullet or cat color will fake and Lance does not look too comfortable I think he stuck not knowing what you do

  7. The word I'll say say there will be deceitfulness and division even the elect will be too maybe these profits are standing strong because that is what God says to them I fully believe Robin Bullock is a man of God I have prayed and prayed about it I believe it with all of my heart I see the power of God behind him and a man that is hearing from God he's not going to back down for anybody God told me to say something I would get out there and say it no matter what anybody says about me that is why I need you here you are Mario which says he's a prophet and I'm not doubting him but I don't agree with him on this I like him as a minister but I just don't agree with him on this I don't think even if they were fake he should be calling them out in bashing them God is a big enough God he can handle that in himself he is the only judge God is the only judge and I do believe I have praise and praise my discernment is pretty good I believe Robin Lewis is a true man of God and

  8. What plants what do you do in Mario not give about the media is lying to us it was a red way we just don't know it yet they are lying to people what don't you get about that you are believing the media again knowing how corrupt they are I am worried about y'all the Lord is telling His prophets that they did win that and he will bring the truth out please pray about this call my my this blows my mind that you guys are not seeing through this I am a little person that lives in North Carolina and I can see that he did when the media is lying to us we did get a Redway but the media is lying to the Lord is never a man that shall I and even Maria and you said he was going to are you guys saying the you guys did not hear God right I used to listen to you too late at night well I am going to just leave my praying between me and God from now on I am going away from all of these shows I will continue to listen to The Prophet that don't bash each other because judging and bashing is not of God blasting them all over the world is not of God either but I still love you guys and I will still continue to keep you in my prayers

  9. Some of these that have stood by what they prophesied their lives have been threatened and they have had to hire security why would they keep standing by if they were not sure God said that to them to deport their lives are getting threats I guess everyone is saying Kim commence was a false prophet because he prophesied that Donald Trump was going to come in office and it we were going to have two presidents

  10. Blah blah blah! Just be clear please. You need to post the actual footage of when these two people said these things that have upset Mario. When will that take place?

  11. Rick Joyner has always prophesied about a civil war between the Dems and conservatives. The civil war has not come to pass and yet you do not call Rick a false prophet. What gives?

  12. I passionately believed 'stuff' because it sounded right…this shaking is God's business and His children, His bride…are getting themselves ready. Thrive on His word and fellowship in His Body. Keep your lamp full. Look up. Thanks Lance.

  13. In Ezekiel true prophets were commanded to prophecy against so called prophets who were prophesying out of their own heart. I have been so troubled about so many popping up claiming to be prophets. I have labored in prayer over this issue, so this pentecostal granny was pleased when Mario stepped up to the plate and obeyed the Lord. Also the work of the prophet under the new covenant seems to differ from those in old testament times. They are for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11 Peter and Paul, John Timothy, weren't allowed visitation to heaven every other day and neither is Kat Kerr. The Word is our guide we better get back to, it is written!

  14. Most are "cultural prophets" (Ezekiel 13:2-3) who simply prophecy of their own bias and desires. Mario is correct. They need to be called out and they hopefully will repent. If not, they need to be publicly exposed and separated from the true prophetic voices.

  15. If Kim Clement is correct, Trump will have 2 terms. He didn't say consecutive. I do think there will be a reversal of the evil policies that the left has managed to bring to pass. That's what I'm praying for.

  16. I think that the most alarming thing in the prophetic movement is not getting things wrong and refusing to acknowledge it.
    It is making themselves official mediators to other Christians. That is disturbing. There is no caste system in the body of Christ. We are all able to hear the voice of Jesus.

  17. I think it is a misunderstanding that people idolized Donald Trump. Not everyone did. Some saw him as hope in leadership for the country, same as the Hebrew children saw Moses. Many people saw God's love for America through Trump, they began believing again, they weren't worshipping a man, they were looking for hope, and it brought them back to hoping in God again. The problem may be that some Prophets don't just say something, they jump on it like riding a horse, like it's a party and it causes people to do the same. They need to just say what they have to say and let God, then get back to bringing people to Christ. And others need to understand that not because God hasn't told them something doesn't mean that it isn't, he doesn't have to pass anything by you to do anything, so just say what you have to say and be quiet about it too and let God whatever the truth is.

  18. I am heartbroken that Mario has caused a division in the body of Christ. Get in your lane Mario! He isn't the judge of the prophets. Lance, you aren't either. If I was Hank I wouldn't go on Flashpoint anymore with you.

  19. No more Flashpoint or Lance Wallnau for me. Who cares about the ones who were on TV making money. Bullock did not miss it. Neither did Green, Dixon, Kunneman, Enlow, French, Kerr, Amanda Grace, and all of the GREAT ones. Lance, you don't even know what a false prophet is. If you want to see one, look up Yuval Noah Harari! I am sickened that you and Mario think you are God! You two probably think we're in the Tribulation!

  20. I will tell you one prophecy that came to pass from Robin Bullock: A Judas will arise against the prophets before the glory comes. Well, I think we know who the Judas is!!!!!!! The Prophets aren't Q and don't claim to be.

  21. You couldn't pay me to come to your fire and glory tour! No thanks. Mario is a Judas. He's been around for how long? Doesn't he understand that the Jesus movement didn't work?

  22. Why did David need Nathan the prophet then? Bullock is a prophet/teacher. The best teacher I've ever known. Oh…..Mario is a true prophet? He hears from the Lord? How arrogant!!!!!

  23. We all see in part and know in part. The prophetic voices that I mainly listen to point me back to the word of God for faith and hope, which I respect that you have also done.
    What if the Church is so out of alignment with the Spirit that it wouldn't even recognize the work of God in rectifying the great injustices and be in denial? So many didn't recognize Jesus doing the works of God and Scripture says He could not do many miracles in His hometown. The Church is so out of spiritual alignment with the Lord that we may in fact be hindering His work too. We are in such desperate need of restoration and divine reset. It may take the red sea deliverance that many have been speaking of. Keep preaching the Word and I hope that you'll do so accurately, to the same standard we hold Prophet's to.


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