Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society – Announcement Trailer (NSW, PS4, PS5, PC)

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At the edge of town sits a deserted mansion, central residence to a manorial estate which hides many wonders…including the entrance to the mysterious Labyrinth of Galleria!

Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society is coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, and PC early 2023!



49 thoughts on “Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society – Announcement Trailer (NSW, PS4, PS5, PC)”

  1. I absolutely love Refrain and I cannot tell you how hyped I am for this! I was super worried that it would never get localized but now I'm just hyped!

  2. As someone who doesn't have a copy of the first game, I probably won't play this game (like the first game), but at least I appreciate the fact that the game will have English voices. I hope that everyone else likes this game.

  3. C.S. Lewis: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
    NIS: Hey can I copy your homework?
    C.S. Lewis: Sure, but change it up.
    NIS: Okay. The Lantern, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

  4. Ever since I finished labyrinth of refrain and learned that it had a sequel that wasn’t translated yet that was highly rated this has been the game I’ve been most excited for, so glad it’s coming

  5. Man… I just don't think I can do it with another one of these first-person dungeon crawlers. I love NIS character designs, I think their art style in general is great but I just… I can't play another one of these. It's all just variations of the same damn thing, the narrative is never compelling enough to make it feel all that new, and there's really only so many times I can go down this road.

  6. Damn, I just found about (and finished) Labyrinth of refrain a month ago and still couldn't find another game that kept me as hooked. I've learned about this game but wasn't sure if it would ever get localized.

  7. Just pre-ordered the special edition. I usually never pre-order games but after playing Labyrinth of Refrain and seeing the reviews for Galleria I wanted to show my support for translating the game for the EN audience.

  8. more leftists/lgbtq members exposed as groomers progressive bill deblasio announces he will quit politics forever, another progressive has gone down. biden has terminal cancer (& covid) or he meant libs/progs are a cancer on the planet AOC busted faking her own arrest at supreme court protest now she totally looks like a fraud just like bernie sanders lol biden gets played by saudi's… look at those low gas prices in saudi arabia due to saudia being energy independent libs/progs have gone crazy over the abortion issue and now are sterilizing and removing themselves from the gene pool. hahaha! Science finally proves libs/progs have abnormal brains/abnormal thinking, they are one step closer to finding a cure for leftism. progressivies are so unpopular they get boo'd off stage at public events the biden recession has begun bernie bros poll finds bernie/progressives ideology/policies are very unpopular and increasing in unpopularity no one wants bernie to run in 2024 cuz he's too unpopular/divisive and bernie lost all his popularity to Trump lol even HRC is more popular than bernie sanders. bernie doesn't even reach 5% support the libs/progs are becoming even crazier after roe v wade being repealed and ppl are going to vote for republican in droves because of the left's insanity LOL they want biden to step down cuz of the high gas prices bernie bros… and at this point it's very obvious the left are hampering oil/gas refinery production on purpose. bernie bros… the progressives just lost another historic region that flipped republican cuz ppl are upset over the high gas prices/inflation and the left is about to lose another as well. the economy has come crashing down under biden unhinged prog/canadian goes viral exposing libs/progs unpopular ideology and also explains why nina turner and bernie sanders lose elections they all have one thing in common crazy eyes. (which makes progs look like total nutjobs to the average voter) conservatives expose biden with old video that makes him even more unpopular now. the economy is quickly falling apart mwahahaha

  9. I've played this through in Japanese – it's superb. Extremely dense game (potentially to the point of tedium).
    I didn't play Refrain, but as I understand, if you liked that, you'll love this.
    They did a From Software and use endless arcane & made up words throughout. Looking forward to seeing how they handle it in the translation!

  10. Delighted this is getting localised, Might pick it up though I must admit I was seriously running out of steam at about the 25 hour mark in refrain. I beat it at about the 50 hour mark but I forced myself too. Believe it or not the story and characters and surprisingly good voice acting is what drove me on but good lord did the gameplay get repetitive for me. I feel these games are great and I ADORE the customization but I wish there was more enemy/location/music variety throughout to help keep it fresh.


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