Labour keen for snap election as there's 'no cure' for Tory 'chaos'

Pat McFadden, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury says Sir Keir Starmer has called for a snap general election because there is no “cure for this chaos under the current government”.

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39 thoughts on “Labour keen for snap election as there's 'no cure' for Tory 'chaos'”

  1. The Tories aren't suitable to run the country BUT Labour won't be able to fix the mess we are in now, there recent views and few of there policies worry me and i don't believe they can run the country ether.
    So what choice is there in a general election?
    Voting for the party who's a bit better than the other, not voting but letting other people making the choice for us or voting for a party who has no chance to make it 🤷‍♂️
    Our political system is broken 😔

  2. Labour getting power because of Tories are unfit is disaster for UK.

    Truss was PM cause BOJO was unfit
    Sunak is PM cause Truss is unfit .. so on so forth

  3. We've all witnessed the litany of catastrophic events that have characterised the most dishonest corrupt inept and unaccountable Govts in living memory.
    Just imagine the reaction of the Right Wing Media Monster had Labour been responsible for a 4% drop in GDP, an end to UK farming, immigration that has smashed all previous records, the profligate waste amounting to hundreds of billions of tax payers money via Track and Trace and fraud (the obscenely greedy Baroness Mone should take a bow), a border in The Irish Sea and of course that surreal period when the Loony Lettuce and Kwazy Kwazy costs tax payers £60 billion in just 8 weeks!! And yet Tory trolls still offer up tediously predictable conjecture in lieu of acknowledging reality!
    Sophie £28 billion is the cost of one month of Truss being at No 10 Dear.

  4. Can we have a refund of taxpayers money for Johnsons Legal Costs before the Privileges Committee ? Johnson has run away before te verdict has been made to the public. Did he swear under oath that he was telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” ? I’m thinking of the revelations about gatherings at Chequers.

  5. Not sure why Liebour see any advantage in this long term, short term they can do the rounds and the usual smear and fear. There is a growing list of their MPs suspended or about to be suspended, their fantasy policies are unravelling, the lack of IQ and extreme woke amongst their ranks will fail under scrutiny.

  6. To late now..but we need some new political parties as there are so many different views from the public as to what they actually want it seems and what we have now are all sh1te

  7. Labour will find fixing this crap really hard.
    But they will.
    It might take 20 years.
    But every year of the Tory trash sets us back 3 years. We must be strategic, must accept any alternative to the Tories and allow us to bury the greed and elitist entitlement once and for all.

  8. We need green energy and as a country we need to make that investment. £28b is a lot of money but at least there should be a return on that investment. Unlike the billions wasted during covid for Tory cronies.
    Sky News – Tory media at its best! It’s about a General Election is called. I don’t know if Labour has the answers but they’ve got to be better than these greedy B’s

  9. The difference with Corbyn / Starmer is Corbyn the ousted leader has said nothing detrimental about Starmer the vitriol comes from the current leadership an exact reversal.

  10. well,Mite as well give Labour party a good pat on the back,Well done Labour !!!! well done for being first class clowns,Why dont Labour clear of for good,I will never bother to vote for them,Look what Labour done when they where last in power,Put the country in to war,They also had no respect to any of us hard working people,Left the DWP doors more than WIDE open,they also bankrupt the country,Labour would be much better of in a Migrant country where the wars are,How are Labour party also going to run the country when they ran out of money,Got no idea where to even start,Now wonder why Labour all ways and for ever loosing on every election,Any other clown going to vote for Labour,They get back in power,We all had it,Mite think things are bad now,Wait till Labour get back in,We be loads worse of

  11. showed this Video to my work mates,They all laughing out loud !!!!!,None of them also ever vote for Labour,They all saying the red ties are done and finished with ages ago,There your answers,Any chance they ever win again,It don't look like it,Be even more better when the Labour party get kicked out so that they never bother to exist ever again would be loads better


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