Labor ‘cannot manage money’ after renewable projects push away mining investors

One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson says Labor “cannot manage money” and will do Australia more harm than good implementing renewables which will end up pushing away mining investors.


45 thoughts on “Labor ‘cannot manage money’ after renewable projects push away mining investors”

  1. "Labour cannot manage money" No shit sherlock! They are famous for starting with a Liberal made huge profit only to throw it all away. Reminds me of the 17% interest rates back in the day.

  2. Sometimes Australians have to Vote Labor in to show Australians how bad Labor is with money , Labor is only about dividing us and bankrupting the country.

  3. Hay on super state core turbine systems full electric math math prototype stuff back to at $1:50 a kwh vs this junkie seller O and grid viable to local area its insane and global at one dollar a quarter is worth to 8 billion 20 estimate billion a year propetual motion was never going to be a winner even today solar on the home is just enough to cover??? Where's your education know private???? Must have been a good party!! On credit.

  4. Instead of flogging dinosaur fossil fuels,why not embrace renewables?
    One of the biggest environmental problems today is outdoor air pollution. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that an estimated 4.2 to 7 million people die from air pollution worldwide every year and that nine out of 10 people breathe air that contains high levels of pollutants.

  5. The majors increased the risk profile, for Australian investment, under Gillard. They would now have put major investment on hold, other than projects already being expended.

  6. No one seems to mention how wars and deadly missiles and war planes dropping dangerous chemicals etc doesn't effect climate change. We want to hear a debate about this, not nonsense

  7. Why is anyone surprised at labor’s fiscal ineptitude?

    It’s in their dna!
    They are great at winning elections but utterly hopeless at governing.

    We never had such instability and public turmoil under any Coalition governments in my lifetime.

  8. It should be illegal for all governments to increase dept levels unless its agreed by both major parties that's it's needed for emergency's . Both parties should have to run balanced budgets and slowly payback dept to a manageable level. The use of money hand outs to get vote's is not sustainable

  9. Labor couldn't manage a chock raffle. They've proved t time and again. Whitlam chasing dodgy middle east loan sharks, the Cain/ Jolly financial destruction of Victoria (Bankrupt again thanks to Despot Dan and still spending), WA Inc …….. Whenever Labor is in govt financial colapse is inevitable. Why don't people get it?

  10. Chris Kenny talks like has a carrot up his arse. Dragon lady Pauline Hanson is missing her mate Scott Morrison as prime minister. Sky news is so full of shit this is happening all around the world not just Australia. But some people believe what ever Sky news and the Murdoch media tell them

  11. Labor Morally Bankrupt and Financially Inept .. High Taxes High Interest rates .. soon it will be Higher Unemployment.. we are witnessing the Destruction of Australia's Strategic Economic Prosperity the National Grid Infrastructure Coal Gas Fired Power Stations Labor Greens and Teals all lack the intestinal Fortitude to invest in Clean Green Net Zero Nuclear Energy Systems that operate 24/7 provide continuity of output last 4 times longer and has minimal Land Mass footprint.. Currently labor are subsidizing Billionaires and the Unreliable Renewables

  12. Big mistake following the Green agenda, this is what will ruin the economies of Countries all around the globe, only trouble is it will be too late once they realise it!! Already we are seeing the opening up of old coal mines to help with energy demands, due to solar panels failing in the extreme heat. What happens to a Country, like Australia, that has disposed of most of its so called archaic energy practises, and they’re left with no back up when the renewable sources fail?!!


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