Labor 'cannot get clear air' as Giles continues to add to detainee debacle

The Albanese government “cannot get any clear air” as Andrew Giles’ false claims of drone monitoring continue to stack up the detainee debacle which “just won’t go away,” explains Political Reporter Cameron Reddin.

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles had previously told Sky News Australia a fleet of drones was monitoring released detainees before rescinding the statement in parliament on Monday.

Mr Reddin explained the “tenability” between Mr Giles and his department had become a topic of discussion for the Opposition after the Immigration Minister blamed his branch for the drones falsehood.

The Opposition has taken aim at Minster Giles’ blame game for “damaging trust between department and minister,” Mr Reddin told Sky News Australia.


40 thoughts on “Labor 'cannot get clear air' as Giles continues to add to detainee debacle”

  1. Matt Keogh C'mon you are part of a completely useless incompetent government stop trying to defend in any way Andrew Giles and his complete incompetence in his portfolio,,, you look silly!!

  2. Another incompetent labor minister caught lying !! With the little pipsqueak albo lying to the Australian People everyday,their just following his lead.🤮 They actually think the Australian public are so stupid as to believe labors BS.🤣 Giles and his drones 🤣🤣 Any real leader would sack him !! Unfortunately all we've got is the completely spineless albanese.🥸

  3. He is a joke and needs to go off immediately and even the Minister of Home Affairs as they are both incapable,…they don;t know their roles and it shows and starts from Albo too,….he cannot stand by them as they will all be deleted from this space soon. Australians are wiser each day….. Matt stop protecting them and just leave it be…..they are all cartoons….

  4. Is it me or are politician getting more stupid. The real world getting worst every day and these people in parliament are f clueless. They run here and there with no understanding of what they do to people like me and you. Look at Albo can't let go of treaty, we voted no to treaty because it SEGREGATES black and whites. SA had a go still no f treaty, why! it's bad for everyone. But still Labour runs this shit 24/7 Now f wit Victoria wants to pay Blacks Billions of dollars for treaty and now men are bad we need a minister for men behaviour. F joke, but the joke is Victoria will suck labour cock and say it tastes good. Way to go Victoria losers. Go Albo GO XI, GO LABOUR GO XI the f off.

  5. Lies and deceit has caught up with them. Albo can’t fix it cause he is up to his eyeballs in it. He should take responsibility. After all he keeps saying, “I’m the prime minister “.

  6. Albo is asleep at the wheel, but that’s ok he has no idea what he’s doing anyway. I am so angry about the damage Albo has done to this country. I can’t wait to vote him out. I kind of hope the RBA lifts interest rates one more time just to finish off the Labour Party.


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