LA Times Spoofed; Sky and Daily Mail Reflect (H&H | 6-6-22)

While The Guardian and Washington Post fight for most appearances in H&H, it’s worth noting some other outlets including the LA Times, Sky News, and Daily Mail.

Good takes, bad takes, and hot takes when it comes to Depp v Heard. Let’s discuss.

Welcome to Hang-Outs and Headlines! The media suggests and shapes our understanding of the news items that fill our days (and our social media timelines) – sometimes fairly and sometimes quite unfairly.

Here Hoeg (and often friends) dive deep into just what’s happening in the story behind the stories, with a whole lot of hanging-out, chatting, and wild tangents as well.

00:00 Introduction
06:56 LA Times Spoofed
11:37 Hang-Outs (Part I)
15:59 Sky News Talks Misogny
33:40 Hang-Outs (Part II)
1:05:33 The Daily Mail on β€œAll Women”
1:18:09 Hang-Outs Conclusion

THE HEADLINES (will be revised following episode):



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β€œVirtual Legality” is a continuing series discussing the law, video games, software, and everything digital, hosted by Richard Hoeg, of the Hoeg Law Business Law Firm (Hoeg Law).



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44 thoughts on “LA Times Spoofed; Sky and Daily Mail Reflect (H&H | 6-6-22)”

  1. One thing that came out in the trial that no one honed in on is that Amber Heard filed the restraining order on his daughter's birthday. That feels intentionally cruel, maybe it was a coincidence but it feels like a petty tactic.

  2. By and large, I don’t think many people get into traditional journalism out of a genuine desire to inform the public about what’s going on in the world anymore. Now, people get into traditional journalism to be advocates and activists.

  3. I can see a potential article now titled β€œDiablo: Immoral has perfected predatory monetization”
    😭 it’s definitely a large step in that direction for Blizzard in my experience playing the first 4 hours at least. My recommended is filled with β€˜don’t play this’ at the moment.

  4. You should pull up the Journalism β€œCode of Ethics” and go down the list.
    I suspect you will find these β€œJournalists” are unethical and are more activists than journalists and are producing propaganda, rather than journalism.
    It may be interesting to keep score?
    Which MSM outlet is β€œmost ethical”, based on their own β€œJournalism code of ethics”?

  5. WaPo needs to reign in Ms Lorenz right now she's operating without editorial fetters. That's why it happened. Maybe because WaPo is scrambling for cash after losing its class action suit losing subscriptions and paying out for free subs in process. WaPo gave Lorenz free range without editorial constraints.

  6. ALL of the Mainstream Media is fully owned and controlled by big money interests and global big business. If you think they have any interest in speaking the truth you are simply naive.

  7. Sky is the fox news of australia ✌️

    Edit: Seems like murdoch has turned around on this case for some reason πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  8. I think it’s fair to infer β€œnefariousness” over β€œincompetence” or β€œ laziness”, regarding Taylor Lorenz’s article, when everything that was left out, just happened to be things that would have conflicted with the narrative of the article and were prominently covered in the source Lorenz used.
    It would be an unreasonable inference that it wasn’t intentional.

  9. Rick. I've watched all of your commentary on LawTube re this case. Well done. I think many of us would be interested in your thoughts on where this case would have gone if Heard had not countersued. Thanks.

  10. Odd to me that this topic is so often politicized. There is something wrong with that. To me, being a traditional lefty, anyone who looks at evidence and thinks critically gets my vote, earns my ear. I don't see that kind of old fashioned leftism anymore. I used to be great friends with conservatives and we would argue, laugh, and accept our differences while remaining friends and being true to our values without reproach. I still attempt to practice that, though there appears to be no room for tolerance and discussion in many arenas these days.

  11. The 2nd best thing to come out of the JD vs AH trial is….more and more people are seeing the legacy and MSM media "interpretation" of the trial and the evidence and testimonies being reported differently than how it really happened, than what people really saw and heard. (no pun intended) The people who actually saw and heard the trial and came to not believe AH, came to believe that she lied are being called right wingers by the media as they are not following in lockstep with the media narrative, so they must be condemned. Woohoo! The legacy and MSM actually created a vacumn in the marketplace of reporting the news – people want to know the truth and what is really happening-not the media's interpretation, misrepresentations- and their own narrative pushed forth for whatever agenda they serve for whatever purpose.

  12. Jason Momoa followed Amber but not Depp before the trial – this was somehow news entire article was written about.
    Jason started following Depp during the trial, another entire article.
    Jason liked both Amber's and Depp's post trial statements. And that was another entire article.
    Considering his every follow and every like was reported, analyzed and commented on by the various media BECAUSE HE MADE ZERO STATEMENTS, it's highly unprobable that any reporter could make this mistake by accident and have editor also missing this fact.
    Granted, I'm a huge Stargate fan and Google serves me everything related to former Stargate actors, but some of this media is considered to be "major trades in Hollywood".

  13. Fantastic that Mrs Hoeg is coming on too. If you do the show reviews with your daughter too, it's going to be a proper family channel. You and the others already feel like members of my family after spending 7 weeks with you all. ❀

  14. Hoeg I really love the headline and article breakdowns. They are so helpful and informative. It's nice to see that other ppl can see the blatant craziness that the MSM prints as fact and it's not just happening in opinion articles. Maybe pick the biggest headline for a different news outlet each day. I like hearing the issues from all sides.

  15. ET Canada did a fair assessment of the verdict in the Depp V Heard case, if you want to watch it, it's available on YT. I don't think that AH represents all women but I think she disrespects all women who are real victims. That is just my opinion but of course you can disagree but I appreciate being able to express my views πŸ˜‰

  16. I had no opinion on the matter prior to the trial. AH was simply unbelievable. She came across as a liar. The fact that her attorney is going around trying to gaslight us makes me feel even more confident the jury got it right.

  17. "Media outlets claiming 'misogyny' is the reason Johnny Depp prevailed over Amber Heard in a US Court have lost the trust of their readers"

    Holy fucking hell do these people not have proof readers? I consider myself quite literate and I had to read that monstrosity 5 times before I was able to parse what the fuck it was trying to say.

  18. Since there are Journalists who seriously wrote, for the sake of #metoo we have to believe Amber, whether or not she tells the truth. Would that mean we have to believe Jusse Smollet otherwise nobody must ever report a hate crime again because they won`t be believed?

  19. 26:20 the second-most common hashtag about this issue (after metoo) was believeallwomen. It's even the first suggestion that comes up if you search (hashtag)believe.
    And that was what the movie industry did. They believed Heard without a shred of evidence and blacklisted Depp harder than they did Mel Gibson after his recorded racist, sexist, antisemitic rant.

    A significant portion of the metoo movement was literally saying that cases like this one don't happen or happen so rarely that they're extreme outliers. Those are the people who can't reconcile this verdict with their beliefs, because they're just that divorced from reality, and we saw an entire industry agree with them.
    And those are also the people that(most of) the "antifeminists" oppose. An extreme group of misandrists have usurped the feminist movement online, particularly on Twitter, and are undermining it through their stupidity, and this trial pulled out one of the keystones of their shoddy foundation.

  20. Jack's article is one of the best I've seen from MSM… ever. And from Sky news. I'm confused. (Actuallty I know Sky Austrailia is more in tune with my tastes than most of the MSM – though other Australian outlets are bonkers).

  21. Also, WaPoo was responsible for this entire debacle, along with the ACLU encouraging and promoting the publication of a salacious article which they knew was skirting and skipping along the boundaries of defamation for clicks.

  22. I think part of the problem with any media is need to go from topic to topic to make money. Few people or organizations have the time to do hundreds of hours of research on a single subject.

  23. "Because Amber Heard isn't women; she's Amber Heard." (About 27:08)

    Honestly, couldn't have said it better myself. It's the same thing with any rotten individual from a group (be it, say, Larry Nassar and doctors as a whole, or Derek Chauvin and police, or Michael Avenatti and lawyers, etc, etc, etc). Just because one member of a particular group lies/cheats/steals/otherwise does bad things (potentially even incomprehensible things, like, say, murder in the second degree), doesn't necessarily mean the whole group must be evil/is of the same status as the individual contained within the group definition. I hope the examples I chose aren't all that controversial (though I do recognize that some may be more emotionally charged examples than others), given that I believe I've stuck to only people that have been either deemed civily liable, criminally guilty, or both (at least, allegedly, if I recall correctly), but feel free to substitute any particular bad apple, so to speak, for any particular group that that apple belongs to. The point is, you don't need to (nor should you) judge or base your entire of a group off the actions of a few individuals. That's not to say that certain groups may or may not contain a greater proportion of so called bad apples than others, but rather is trying to make the point that a group as a whole is a seperate thing than an individual that belongs to the group.

    Edit: it's also why generally I absolutely abhor universal statements, in pretty much whatever form they come in. Whether it's "believe all women," "believe all men," "all _ are racist/misogynistic/etc," or whatever form of the argument. Because, well, that's absolutely bullocks. Universal belief of something irregardless of evidence is foolhardy at best, and dangerous at worst, while generalized beliefs about particular groups are likewise coming to conclusions prior to determination of evidence (or lack there of). It's dangerous, and lacks the ability to distinguish the fact that there is absolutely nuance in pretty much all of life.

    And of course, underlying all this, at least in my mind, is an idiom of sorts, a generalization/absolute statement that I don't really find myself absolutely disagreeing with spoken ever so frequently by a somewhat (in)famous TV doctor, that is, Dr. House:
    "Everybody lies."

  24. As a former journalist myself, I know that in this profession "activists acting in disguise of journalists" are a constant danger of crossing the professional etchic lines. The author of the article is right. This is exactly what is happening here.

  25. Let's not blame him for her abusive behaviour. I believe his drugs and drinking became much worse because he couldn't cope with the fighting. Remember none of his other relationships with women were violent. I also think he may be able to get clean and sober now and I hope he does.
    She in my opinion needs medical attention and if she doesn't get it there will be a lot more violence in her life. I think for most people now main Street Media is now online. The old news outlets are no longer doing a good job. I am a woman in her sixties who hasn't turned on TV in two years it just stopped being real. But you do need to be careful as there are still s lot of nuts onlineπŸ™ˆπŸ€£πŸ€£


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