'Kyiv stands free!': Joe Biden speaks to Poland as Russia Ukraine war enters new phase – FULL speech

‘Kyiv stands free!’: Joe Biden speaks to Poland as Russia Ukraine war enters new phase: Biden visits Poland as Ukraine Russia war enters new phase. Joe Biden will consult with allies from Nato’s eastern flank in Poland on Tuesday as the Russian invasion of Ukraine edges toward an even more complicated stage. After paying an unannounced visit to Kyiv, the US president made his way to Warsaw on Monday on a mission to solidify Western unity as both Ukraine and Russia prepare to launch spring offensives. President Joe Biden, fresh from a visit to Kyiv, was set to reaffirm to U.S. allies on Tuesday that the United States is squarely behind Ukraine and committed to bolstering NATO’s eastern flank as the anniversary of Russia’s invasion nears. Biden arrived in Warsaw late on Monday after a dramatic visit to Kyiv where he met President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who is seeking more weaponry as Ukraine gears up for a spring offensive against the Russians. Biden will give a speech rallying support for Ukraine as the war enters its second year on Feb. 24 with no end in sight. He was due to meet Polish President Andrzej Duda to discuss collective support for Ukraine and thank Warsaw for helping the United States and other countries to deliver military and humanitarian aid.
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35 thoughts on “'Kyiv stands free!': Joe Biden speaks to Poland as Russia Ukraine war enters new phase – FULL speech”

  1. Putin actually thinks anyone cares about him or his military capability anymore? We now know why he always threatening nuclear because his army is absolutely useless. Nuclear is the only way Russia will ever stand any chance of making a bent in the west but the problem with that is the price will be Russia ceasing to exist on the face of the earth after. The man is a joke and it would be hilarious if the punchline wasn't all the life's lost and ruined for it

  2. I never thought after all these years I would feel like I'm in the school yard again with two older kids fighting it out only problem is they both have their fingers on a nuke

  3. Instead of showing Demonic individual reading what he has been told to say via two teleprompters, why doesn't the Mail start asking questions that matter like who carried out a terrorist attack on European infrastructure?

  4. Dear Americans. Try to see the bigger picture rather than literally everything through the lenses of US domestic politics. Supporting Ukraine and its freedom is the right course of action – regardless that Biden is a useless president at home.

  5. We should assign lower draft numbers to people on mainstream and social media pushing for escalation of this border dispute into WW3. Doomer young men, constantly vilified by Biden and his ilk in the West, should be spared from being cannon fodder.

  6. All the comments from people on here talking negative about Joe Biden, yet he has bigger balls and intelligence than all of you. He is standing up for YOUR FREEDOM you ungrateful bunch of twits

  7. A lot of you on here should be grateful that you live in a democratic world, by supporting pooty invading Ukraine and committing mass murder among cilillians yous want to take a look at how ordinary Russians live in Russia, its pityful to say the least, pooty has robbed his country for 2 decades and amassed millions from the Russian economy for himself. DEMOCRACY, remember that if pooty invades the rest of Europe you wont be able to speak your mind, live free without being banged up in jail for voicing your opinion, live in primitive conditions, all the while pooty lives like a king, he is nothing short of a parasite, power to freedom and democracy 🇬🇧

  8. Biden (his bosses) will probably the one (those) to start World War 3.
    THESE BOSSES are old people who wants to take a lot of people (as many as possible) with them to the grave before they die ….


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