KSP 2: Sending a Rover to EVE…Despite the Kraken Attacks!

Today is going to be epic, as I attempt my first ever interplanetary mission in Kerbal Space Program 2! Since we haven’t got to worry about re-entry heating right now, let’s do a nice, easy, simple Eve Rover mission, I am sure there won’t be any glitches or game-breaking bugs or Kraken attacks that could possibly derail the entire mission multiple times. Oh wait, no, actually all of that did happen now that I think about it 🤔

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My PC specs:
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor
3840 x 2160, 144Hz

This video is intended for audiences 13+ years old.

The intro music is by the awesome Approaching Nirvana!
The song is called Sunglow, and you can stream it on Spotify:

00:00 Intro
00:23 Rover Construction
02:42 Rocket Construction
04:25 Catastrophic Launches
06:35 The Second Stage of Hell
11:01 Laugh at my pain
17:35 The Actual Final Launch
20:48 Voyage to Eve
25:10 Landing on Eve
29:01 Eve Surface Activities
32:06 Driving Physics

#kerbalspaceprogram2 #kerbalspaceprogram #ksp2


21 thoughts on “KSP 2: Sending a Rover to EVE…Despite the Kraken Attacks!”

  1. This video was some excellent comic relief, somehow the camera issues only added to this ;D On the subject of the rocket though, its tendency to flip out during launch whilst still in the atmosphere does seem reasonable, given the enormous size of the fairing. The wobbliness is insane though. As to the spinning rockets outside of atmosphere, I wonder if it might be the result of an offset center of gravity vs thrust vector? That landing vehicles is pretty large and is not symmetrical, which will offset the CoG. Having said this, the wobbliness will offset the CoG far more, and of course as the rocket bends one way it will offset the CoG in that direction, further offsetting the CoG vs the thrust vector, causing further bending and rotation, and leading to everything we see here.

  2. I think the camera problem has something to do with the stages. Whenever you break off stage one, it doesn’t switch correctly to the second stage. Idk how to fix it I’m not a ksp2 dev lol. If you could focus the camera on a certain part of the rocket on the second stage it could fix it. I haven’t played any KSP I’d forever so I can’t remember

  3. I also had the bug of the second stage not being in camera focus anymore. The anker point of my rocket changed sometime during the build to one of the fuel tanks of the second stage and I couldn't change it back to the command module (might have been my own inability). I rebuild the rocket to the same specs and it just worked…

  4. Matt! Matt!! Maaatt!!! You know how reaction wheels work IRL? There's a limit to how fast they can spin, so they saturate. If KSP2 simulates that, you would need RCS.

    Interesting to hear that about low-gravity destinations though. It'll be useful in my latest game. Thanks Matt!

    Oh good grief the required delta-v readout in making a maneuver is microscopic! I thought the UI was going to be better than KSP 1's.

    Wot? No Kerbnet?
    This is why I sent a plane to Eve. 🙂 Descent took a looooong time, but I only had to do it once! No parachutes to muck about with, either.
    But yeah. This is what I hate about sim games: They always omit real-life, realistic tech which would make them so much easier!
    And that's the other thing I hate about simulation games: stuff that's nerfed WAY below its real-life equivalent. I mean wheels that big should be able to pull a truck that big. Eve's gravity is higher, but it's not 5 times higher. rant rant rant rant rant GYAAAAH! lol

  5. I REALLY LAUGHT to your pain.
    And made me happy that someone like you is telling to the developers what are the bugs there and show it off for a very nice promised game.
    It's really good to have someone like you here reporting that.
    I've got the same issues sending a rover to the mun… it has just dislocked and the camera went out at 9km of th Mun…
    I discovered one another bug rolling a rover to the edge of the wheels seeing the kraken' arms pulling me.
    So I tried all you do at 14 min as I switched off/on my computer then on/off.
    I hope that the guys who're working for this high potential "Early Access" game won't be krakened !
    Don't give up ! Just please hang on and SLAY the Kraken cause we've just all have participate for 50€ each.
    Saying this sincerely in a good way. I'd bought my computer just in 2020 for this game when the realeased was announced in 2019 for the next year…
    4 years of waiting I still like this game. (1500h approx on KSP1, 20h on KSP2).
    So I really laught to your pain… because I've all suffered the same (fearings, bending launches, deltaV issues, camera's, screen freezing when loadings, struts, …)…
    TY ❤‍🩹

  6. i dont want to play ksp2 in this stage or i lose my faith in the game so i better wait, because the first look at the game is soooo importent and if i play this i would refund this game and never came back


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