Kowloon is the scariest city on earth

Welcome to Kowloon is the scariest indie horror game I’ve played in a long long time
Buy MY coffee: https://topofthemornincoffee.com/

Edited By: https://www.twitch.tv/bitofalice


28 thoughts on “Kowloon is the scariest city on earth”

  1. The visuals and sound design on this game were both 10/10. I love a game with those muffled background noises, like a radio or voices coming through from another room.

  2. time of death : 17:52

    …. I legit cant omfg.. my heart nearly left my mouth in pure shock…

    i applaud gamers who makes horror gameplays….

    Added: Its a reflex of mine to pull away my earphones a bit from my ears and keep the screen a much further distance… but i dont turn off the video unless i really cant… and knowing Jack is going through this despite being asthmatic makes it a challenge I want to fight and prove I can do this….

    Tho I regret this immesely

  3. The gas mentioned propably is natural gas.
    It's often used for ovens and stoves.
    It's oderless and heavier then air. Thus suffocation is an inneviteability in closed spaces.

  4. This does look really good, game and graphics. I’m not surprised he thought that it was Unreal. I think a lot of people forget how good Unity can be if it’s utilized properly. It’s probably the most used game developer engine by indie developers by a far margin. A huge portion of “indie game of the year” contenders, for several years, used Unity.

  5. 23:06 I am watching his with headphones in the dark 1 in the morning I my bed and to scard to go to the kitchen jack. I'm with you and I love scary stuff my mind got the best of me.


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