Kong Almost Got KILLED by This Titan: Titanus Camazotz Battle Breakdown

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45 thoughts on “Kong Almost Got KILLED by This Titan: Titanus Camazotz Battle Breakdown”

  1. I think that now Kong dont have an army of Jets it could be an close fights. Kong already died in Godzilla vs Kong but gor reviefed. Maybe thats like an message, that he could die in a next fight
    I hope Camazotz is in a future movie

  2. I know this series was made for the more unknown titans of the monsterverse, but any chance you guys will do the ones we already know to like Scylla, Behemoth, and Methuselah? I feel like you'll be able to shed more light on them and give details many fans don't know about them yet. Y'all are good at that.
    Oh! And Barb too if there's anything about her. Just asking/making suggestions.

  3. Wait… Was Kong younger when he fought Camazotz? If so then matured Kong from GvK should dwarf Camazotz and have little difficulty in beating the Bat Titan.


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