KOIGI VS KENYATTA, a rebel or a revolutionary? Part 1 l Documentary series

KOIGI VS KENYATTA, a rebel or a revolutionary? Part 1 l Documentary series

Yet, despite the obvious outcome that we know of, this would have been a story with history changing outcomes. For instance, Koigi would have had been the President of Kenya. But he missed that chance in 1982, and again in 1990. I mean, revolutionists like Fidel Castro and Jerry Rawlings were not elected. They took power. But after missing that window, Koigi tried to get elected as the president the ‘right’ way. The democratic way. He got only 7,000 votes and came a distant 10th.

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8 thoughts on “KOIGI VS KENYATTA, a rebel or a revolutionary? Part 1 l Documentary series”

  1. Quite informative, though if I may add afew missed mistakes that may have escaped you not at all to condemn you but to correct with all love and respect, is this:

    1) Africans don't descend from shem but rather ham.

    2) Ham was not cursed but one of his sons whose name is canaan.
    3) Ham beget only four sons and Canaan's lineage; Canaanites, is no more on earth, due to the wrath of God that they Incurred on themselves through their wickedness like but not limited to: infanticide, yet remaining resolute in their impenitence.

    I understand that some of these supposed christians, especially of those times and especially Catholics and colonialist, portrayed and made use of scripture in such a sacrilegious manner. Perverting the gospel of God that all men are made in the image of God so as to fit their own selfish wicked wants and desires. Let not such of these kinds be the exemplars of God's perfect doctrine found in the holy scriptures; the Bible, only.

    One last thing even if one wants to argue that there's is any under any curse be it that of you parents or found in your lineage let them consider this Galatians 3: 13-14 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”— so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith.

    I commend and thank you if you've managed to read this far. All this to say let not any deceive you, non can justify the claim of all progenitors of ham to be cursed, the curse only alighted on canaan not his father not his brother's, on him and him alone.

    Now under Christ Jesus who became cursed so we could be freed from the curse of the law that causes death, through him by his blood all who believe in him are freed from the curse that is apon all men through sin.

    I commend and applaud you the creator of this video, your efforts were not unnoticed. Thank you.

    Thank you and i applaud you if you've read all this, it was not in vain. I encourage all to study scriptures and represent them rightly so as to correct those who are ill informed and make erroneous misrepresentation of God's holy scriptures the Bible.

    Thank you for your time and may the peace of God through Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen.


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