Koala Sampler "how to" , this is one way you can make tracks and work in Koala Sampler

In this 3 minute video, I am merely showing how to start up to 8 different tracks for future posting, this is a kind of time saver or “short cut”

As I said in the description on Instagram where I first posted this, of anyone shows interest or wants to know, I can definitely dive deeper and show details of other aspects of the creative process in Koala Sampler,
as I know them, that is, how I do it

(there are as many different ways to create with this powerful and fun tool as there are Koala sampler owners)

I always plan on future progress and continuing to make music and tracks, so, I use samples to the fullest and make as many “ideas” (in this case, 8 different ones) as possible, from one 1 minute and 13 second sample.

(waste not, want not!)

As I’ve said, probably ad nauseam by now, sampling is one one way I create, I am a multi instrumentalist who can and do play my own parts on 4 different instruments, but using samples, to me anyways, is an irresistible and incredibly fun way to create….

(and I used to be one on the “bandwagon” who thought using samples was “cheating” ,
but I learned my thought process was very erroneous!)

I truly hope someone gains some insight, knowledge, or inspiration from this. Carry on.

— Klay


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