know this and have rest


30 thoughts on “know this and have rest”

  1. Who you should marry: DONT MARRY WHO YOU LOVE, LOVE WHO YOU MARRY,
    1. God leads you
    2. Under the government of God( fear of God)
    3. Must be compatible with your purpose
    It is impossible to love somebody that you have not understood.
    Love –
    1. Affection
    2.Understanding( more superior to affection)
    3. Trust (superior to trust)
    There are 4 Greek words in defining love.
    Phillia, Eros, Storge, and Agape.
    1.Phillia- bonding through circumstance and emotion. If you change the circumstance and emotion, that love will die.
    2. Romantic love- Eros. what you consider โ€œbeautifulโ€
    – that affection wonโ€™t mean much to you anymore. When you get married, sex becomes a responsibility.
    3.Storge – companionship, understanding and covenant births storge. Only in marriage you can build storge.
    4. AGAPE- sacrifice, self-denial. The reason you stay in marriage is because you are loyal to God that joined you together.

  2. Me marry person I don't love and that is not even compatible with my purpose. Married base on yeye recommendations and pressure., now that have all gone back to their house and am left to manage my marriage for the rest of my life.


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