KISLEV UNITED! Total War: Warhammer 3 – Tzarina Katarin – Kislev Campaign #27

#27 of My Total War: Warhammer 3 – Tzarina Katarin – Kislev Campaign VH/VH Difficulty! I’m playing as Tzarina Katarin, the Ice Queen of Kislev, known as one of the most powerful Ice Witches to have ever lived! Support the Channel and get a GREAT Deal on Warhammer 3 Here:–4959-1?ref=lionheartx10 USE CODE: DAEMONS to save a TOTAL of 19% off WH3 Offer Ends 20th March 2022!
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27 thoughts on “KISLEV UNITED! Total War: Warhammer 3 – Tzarina Katarin – Kislev Campaign #27”

  1. Interesting. I just noticed something. Out of the ogre factions, Skrag is not in the race for the souls, or at least it does not list him, so doing his campaign might be different than one with Goldteeth. Or maybe that changes if you play as him.

  2. Ice Lion Saga 27

    The Sorcerer was looking over the glowing cursed gauntlet of Cubheart as the boy was holding his arm after having regained his senses but the pain was still there. The Sorcerer was consulting his book in one hand and in the other he was holding the Gauntlet as he was trying to calm down the beast that was waking up from within the Gauntlet. The Sorcerer should have known the Gauntlet had been imbued with a daemon of Bele’kor within the metal of the Gauntlet, the creature now partially stirring with the power of the Nurgle Prince wrapped around it in the form of a corroded metal band.

    Lionheart was holding the shoulder of his son as he was looking at the sorcerer before asking, “Tell me what is happening.”

    “The Daemon this Gauntlet belongs to is making attempts to reclaim it, and in doing so, corrupt your son in the process. We must dive back into the Chaos Realm with your Tzarina and continue to try and claim the Daemon Princes souls. With it, Ursun will be free and cure your son, I can feel it.”

    Lionheart looked to his son and Cubheart looked at his father before he then said, “If I’m going to get my normal life, I need to beat the corruption that threatens me on my own.”

    Lionheart looked at his young prince before he finally said, “Then we must go quickly.”

  3. Kislev is a brutal campaign, It is always going to suck and you are surrounded. "it's ropy" a lot of people are talking about having to choose losing the whole campaign or losing all there territory. There is a big difference between difficult and punishing. Punishing is not fun and the Kislev campaign is just punishing.

  4. Tales of the Wild Hunt #27

    After arriving at the town’s market, Elthuon helps Evenila unload her wagon in the market and the first person to visit her stand in the market is a little boy who is just happy to see her again. His smile at seeing Evenila tells Elthuon that not only is this woman known in this town, she’s welcome here. However before he can finish assisting in her in unloading her wagon, Elthuon is forced to step aside when another witcher appears. Disappearing into a private area Elthuon speaks with his fellow Griffin School witcher and friend Rupier of Couronne (Rue-P-er).

    “What the hell are you doing with a bruxa Elthuon?” Rupier asks Elthuon in a whisper. “She’s a threat to this town and with orcs to the east threatening these lands after the plague of monsters that hit southern Kislev during the rifts; she is the last thing that they need!”

    Elthuon responds, “open your eyes old man she’s not a threat. Though I was rudely interrupted by a cockatrice at first, she and I were able to have a very pleasant conversation about daily life on our way here. Once you get past the hardship that she has been put through, she’s a great woman. I doubt that this is the first time she’s brought goods to this market and if she isn’t discovered, the last.”

    “What did I teach you about survival?” Rupier asks Elthuon. “Treat every monster as willing to kill you on sight! She’s trying to get you to lower her guard so she can take you out!”

    Fed up, Elthuon responds to his teacher, “you see that is the problem with you and other witchers. You treat each situation the same. Cut off a monsters head for proof of your work, collect your pay, and move on. You never question if you needed to kill them, if there is actually a problem with that so-called monster being there and if removing it may have negative impacts that create a worse situation. Yes I’m well aware of her ability to kill, I’ve seen her fight off foglets and she’s taken out a camp of bandits. However the foglets were self-defense and she even let me take the trophies so I will paid for simply being there. Though she did kill a group of bandits, they needed to go anyway so no harm done and she’s not oblivious to the fact that even that could be risky.” The two witchers have to stop their conversation as panic suddenly breaks out in the town. They move out into the open and there the two witchers spot a host of various undead coming towards the town. Drawing their swords, the two witchers immediately engage the undead just outside the edge of town to protect it. The fire and magic damage that his sword does in addition to its physical damage allows Elthuon to easily cut the undead down! One after another, Elthuon chops the undead in two or dismembers the rotting corpses as they come.

    To Elthuon’s left, Rupier is slaying the undead as well albeit with a silver sword and the assistance of a Magic Trap. He isn’t as fast at the job of killing the undead, most of which are mere zombies, due to his age and that his sword cannot cut like Elthuon’s. However he doesn’t let the young witcher show him up in his old age. As Magic Trap zaps a zombie to his right, Rupier cuts an arm from a zombie then takes off its head to finish it. Then in a single downward diagonal strike, he cuts the next zombie to face him in two. Elthuon incinerates two zombies with Burning Head and Rupier uses Aard to knock a zombie away from him and then Magic Trap zaps it and kills the zombie! With this group of undead eliminated, the two witchers quickly scan their surroundings visually and confirm that there are no further undead that they need to deal with. They turn around and check the town and see if undead ran past them and they quickly confirm that not only did a few undead run past them, but they were eliminated by Evenila. Doing show revealed that she is a bruxa to the town and now they townsfolk are scared of her.

    “Steel for humans,” Rupier says to Elthuon as he swaps his silver sword for a steel sword. As the townsfolk are about to attack her in an angry mob, Rupier puts himself between Evenila and them, “stand down. Leave this matter to professionals, I would be thanking this woman for stopping the undead that passed us by and made it into town. Not acting like you’re about to lynch her! I saw how some of you bought her goods and I doubt that was the first time. If she was actually a threat, you’d be dead and yet, she instead defended this town!”

    A townswoman responds, “how you could you say that about that monster?” she points at Evenila, “we already have a large flying beast to the south and now these rifts which open once again. She’ll kill us all and sell our souls to the chaos gods! Either you take her out of here witchers, or we will!”

    “If that is your choice, then pray that you don’t meet a real monster,” Elthuon says to the townswoman and those around her. “If you do and find yourself in need of Evenila’s help, I have my doubts that she’ll give it!” As soon as Evenila packs up what is hers, Elthuon sees her out of the town and Rupier joins them after retrieving his horse.

  5. No don't send Katrine in you must have her attack the ogres while Skrag is distracted and keep Boris north to conquer the demon prince, hold the land to slow enemies down before running towards the dwarves to save them and eliminate the greenskin menace


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