Kirk To The Rescue

Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletter (, from Stuart Kirk of HSBC and Elon Musk both offering a needed dose of sanity on climate and finance to the Canadian government’s addiction to oil export revenues to the Guardian saying climate change will make hay fever worse and stop showing happy people at the beach to the Canadian government struggling to find trees to the warming trend of the last 40 years petering out even as CO2 keeps rising to the tropical troposphere still refusing to heat up to the seas daring to fall around Talcahuano, Chile to climate change not spreading dengue fever either.
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50 thoughts on “Kirk To The Rescue”

  1. Business realities are stark and unforgiving, and presently the only known viable substitute for 'fossil fuels' (whether the story about their origin is true or not) is nuclear energy. Taking away viable energy sources is a method of bankrupting the world, which seems to be what the IPCC is up to, paving the way for saviors such as the WEF and IMF.

    However, it's also possible that someone has discovered a viable alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear energy – and rather than revealing it, is seeking to thwart others discovering it too, wrecking the chances of all comers by plunging them into poverty. – You'd have to guess that the missing trillions that were poured into black-budget projects for the last half a century brought forth some fruit, wouldn't you? Even if they only got as far as a promising lead, that would be enough to close all doors save for theirs, since hitting that number would make one king of the hill for a very long time.

  2. There is a massive undercurrent of suspicion among ordinary people about the bogus idea of "climate change". Yes, climate change exists but people intuitively know the difference between a catchal term covering every weather event since the earth began and "dangerous man made climate change" (Obama). The latter has no science adhering to the scientific method to demonstrate the claim hence the avoidance of proper nomenclature and attempted bastardisation of the term "climate change".

    If the proponents really want a snappy short acronym for their news items why not DMC (DANGEROUS MANMADE CLIMATECHANGE) ? They can then answer the inevitable question "how do you know that tornado etc is man made?

  3. People are committing suicide and murder because of the doom and gloom rhetoric, and urging of violence, of the liberal/democrats, and blaming conservatives. The sky is not falling.

  4. Because holding someone accountable for actions, or failures is "confrontational". Just shut up and give me your money. Trust me that I'm doing my best with your money. Don't get so hung up on results. Stop reminding me of promises I may have made. You're creating a toxic work environment!

  5. Australia has just elected a new government that announced emmissions reduction by 43% by 2030 compared to the 28% target of the previous government. We're now on daily alerts for power black outs. It's like planting 2 billion trees and, at the same time gloating over starving them of their CO2 food.

  6. What I want to know is why black rock etc are trying to control government policy. They are supposed to be an investment fund.
    Maybe we should break up these mega corps. Take their power.

  7. What is Gaianism?

    Put simply Gaianism is a religious philosophy that grants the living Earth (Gaia) its rightful place at the center. Humans are not the pinnacle of evolution but just a small (and not necessarily essential) part of the living Earth.

    In ancient times, people understood implicitly and through regularly reinforced myths and stories, that you shouldn’t mess with the living Earth. In many languages, even the name of our planet is synonymous with the Earth goddess.

  8. Geez , I wonder if all this "climate change" fear mongering is made for ulterior motives, like for the "great reset" as told by the World Economic Forum as in "you will own nothing and be happy?"
    Could it be?

  9. "You just can't win with these people." Of course not. You can't win with terrorists or blackmailers. They don't want you to appease them. They want you dead, plain and simple.

  10. Take away the profit advantages for people and companies that espouse “climate change” for a world wide conversion to a carbon free economy and we will see the rhetoric quiet down. They have been beating the climate drum for over 50 years, it’s always been offbeat and grows louder with each new meeting of their minds.
    Few, if any, of their disastrous predictions have come true. It has been proven that they manipulate the historical weather data so their future weather models indicate a false future.
    We know what their goal is, “the reduction of the global CO2 level” but they never state what that affect will have on global plant life. One group tells us our planet is greener than it has ever been, a good thing, because of increased CO2 levels but what happens when it begins to turn our planet brown, the bad thing.
    They claim wind and solar are sustainable with proper storage capacity. Three things that require massive amounts of rare earth minerals and metals that will run out eventually. The mining of these can cause environmental disasters in themselves and these technologies have short lifespans with huge amounts of landfill waste at the other end. Not to mention how our weather affects the output and reliability for production of electricity.
    Instead of letting innovations in technology to catch up they want to force their green dream on the world’s population with a few making massive profits while the many wonder why the power is out, their homes are too hot or cold, and why they’ve lost their freedom to affordably travel freely and rapidly without the use of a horse, bike, or “public” transportation.

  11. @CDN Hi John, thanks for the interesting points of view. A odd thing to me is that I'm not aware of the panic stricken CO2 terrified actually providing up to date data that shows the dreaded CO2 levels. I have a portable CO2 meter and was surprised the other day to test at 565 in SW Ontario , then again today on a nice sunny breezy day (19C) at 526. Did I miss the memo and perhaps have perished from the heat/air quality and didn't notice. After doing Greenhouse research I've believed a nice level would be ~800 and that at ~1100+ it would tail off by itself (more plants eating more…) optimal greenhouse levels are typically at 1400-1500 and are considered fully safe for any amount of time inside.

    Shouldn't the alarms be going off and panic running rampant, heat in the extreme and ….. ? Could someone else check with a CO2 meter and insure that my meter just not just out of whack from when I tested with it regularly a couple years ago at the highly touted and dreaded 420.

    If this were true it would immediately dispel CO2 terror as it's upped to almost 600 and this year is pretty cool(temperature wise), so not really possible to be a 1:1 thermostat ?

    We hear that High CO2 levels are a problem especially in submarines (Max ~6000) and space capsules(Max ~10000), this is because CO2 is easy to test and Oxygen is not as easy so typically CO2 has been used a a proxy measurement of the amount of Oxygen started with, and is converted by breathing to CO2, making the problem Oxygen deprivation not CO2 poisoning. The CO2 could go well to 6000+ and if there were adequate oxygen levels, we would not notice at all. I would like to see a study on this but I suspect that public events like weddings with packed people in small spaces that exceed the 1200 typically, could actually go much much higher without notice or impact.

    Please John help, should I panic NOW or just wait for the memo ? 🥴

  12. Thanks as always! A note, as a Chilean: the Spaniard you show at around 11:30 is not Hernan Cortez but Pedro de Valdivia, founding the city of Santiago de Chile. Maybe it was intentional?😜 Funnily enough, the talk about our coast dissapearing bc of climate change is a non-topic here: even alarmist don't really seem to think it will happen, they talk about droughts mostly. You'd think in a country which basically just a long coast we'd be super worried but it doesn't seem like it…

  13. Is climate change making sea levels rise?…. No. Water is made from one atom of Oxygen bonding with two atoms of Hydrogen. It occurs in the upper atmosphere when the energy in the plasma is at the right level. At that point is where all water is created in the sky as we can see happening everywhere around the planet. Not all the water in clouds comes from evaporation. New water is produced every moment of everyday at various levels. To believe water is made somewhere else in space without the process of Bio-Mass Vegetation producing the Oxygen is just plan short sighted and rather stupid. To suggest water arrived frozen in asteroids is idiotic at best. Water steams out from the planets interior only after it has dropped to those levels to get hot from interior temperatures.

    It has taken billions of years to produce all the water on the planet today. As long as there are plants absorbing Hydrocarbons C02 there will be Oxygen produced from that process, resulting in more water created in the upper atmosphere. It is the simplest process to understand. It happens right in front of our eyes everywhere in the skies above. If several thousand gallons of new water is created each day it would never be noticed. After the time it has been happening on Earth we get over 70% of the planet is covered with H2O If not for a constant new production of Water it would all have evaporated long ago with the heat from the planet. Believing Water is not naturally produced here on Earth is nothing short of ignorance. More CO2 makes more plant life, makes more Oxygen, makes more water has been happening for a while now on our little wet planet.

  14. Climate alarmism probably is driving people to suicide. They have no hope and everything is getting more expensive because of it.
    The same fear driven campaigns and lockdowns Covid had.

  15. Your commentary is a joy to listen to as you point out the hypocrisy of the climate activists and their crazy policies. Keep up the good fight.

  16. We travel through space in a line of suns, in the following order; Sirius, Sun, Altair, Rasalhague and Gemma, all fed by a Birkland current. If you think that man has any control of the varying heat from the Sun, then you must be mad. When the seas warm, following an increase of output from the Sun, CO2 in the atmosphere increases because it is less soluble in warmer water. This you can test, the next time you open a can of Coke. The idea that CO2 drives the climate was invented by a crook called Ken Lay and promoted by Al Gore.

  17. Hi John, thanks for your work, I try to click here to donate but nothing happens, can’t you get the Thanks button installed that goes straight to a donation click, I find this easy on other YouTube channels like Mark Dice for example , let me know

  18. Some years ago I read an important book "The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam a book by Barbara W. Tuchman," In it she asks the question of how governments of all persuasions progress to catastrophic policies. Its a dense but readable book and will help you understand much of what is happening with climate policy.

  19. I am old enough to remember when in the 1980's we were told that the Maldives were the canary in the mine for the sea level rise. We were told that the islands would be mostly under water within a couple of decades. 40 years later, the Maldives have absolutely no problem. But we are supposed to believe that the ocean temperatures have risen drastically and that the polar caps have melted dramatically.

  20. 2 billion trees? If you planted 100,000 trees a year it’ll take 10 years to plant just a million…typical growing season up in our Northern climate is what 100 to 180 days? If we take out weekends and holidays rainy days for planting new trees let’s say that’s 100 days and long suffering 10 hours a day at 100 trees an hour and let’s say each tree is accommodating for a 10 meter canopy…that’s a row of trees at 1km/hr 10 km a day 100 days a year for a decade just to reach 1 million trees the number for 2 billion with a B in 20 years are pretty staggering 🤯who makes this stuff up? Imagine that in the in between time you need to gather, plant and tend 100,000 seedlings somewhere to be ready for the next year for just the Million trees in a decade. Sounds like they are going to need some busy workers to even get started on that!

  21. Biden's raising energy prices has been as bad as Trudeau's. With a similar result DOMESTIC oil = Evil IMPORTED oil = Good. Even after getting on his knees. Biden cant get more oil delivered. Who knew that going from exporting oil to importing it was so virtuous. Must be a Socialist's thing cause it make no sense to me.

  22. Blackrock need investors to make the mistake of investing in China, especially their construction blackholes. The more money stolen from investors, is less that they can con people out of for China. Greed is the impetus.

  23. Black Rock, Black Stone, Vanguard and State Street are the financial Praetorian Guard of the WEF. They say climate change is a risk when investing but push Chinese funds which can be wiped out in a second because the CCP passed a law that doesn’t allow foreign ownership of Chinese companies so any Chinese funds are actually proxy shares purchased through a LLC. The Chinese look the other way to get the investment but if relationships sour like say if China invades Taiwan then can tell foreign investors to GTFO so people Black Rock pushed towards these funds as being safe lose their entire investment


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