King’s Indian: dominate with simple & unexpected plans

London System course:
Caro-Kann course:

00:00 Free elo traps
02:22 Game 1 (Saemisch)
20:08 Game 2 (Anti-London)
39:40 Game 3 (White avoid theory)

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28 thoughts on “King’s Indian: dominate with simple & unexpected plans”

  1. alex, you are by far my favorite chess youtuber. when i started watching you a few months ago i was around 400, since then i have climbed to 850 and still going up every week using the jobava and caro, and now learning the king's indian to play against d4. thank you!

  2. Just had first chance to play that KID Qe8 idea. Won in 19 moves with a 96.2% accuracy score. Now I'm worried I will get hit for cheating … although on the move I played it I discovered the engine (slightly) preferred e5/Re8 (or even Bb7 – I wouldn't normally be any where near a Q side fianchetto in most KID, but W had delayed Bd3) to Qe8 and I needed a waiting move (W seemed to have forgotten he was playing London and played Nc3 and then Nb1 to allow c3 ???) .

  3. After completing your jobava london course on chessable, I think you and everyone else here knows which course you need to cover next :)))). There's some good kings indian / pirc stuff by robert ramirez, but would love to spice it up a bit with your sharp lines

  4. If you want to teach the Grunfeld, I'm down for it as well, but I prefer 90% KID 10% Grunfeld videos when it comes to dealing with queenside openings, or something along those lines. Your content is extraordinary! Thank you


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