King’s Guard Nudges Woman! #thekingsguards

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The King’s Guard is a ceremonial unit of soldiers responsible for guarding the official royal residences in the United Kingdom. The unit is made up of soldiers from various regiments of the British Army, including the Grenadier Guards, Coldstream Guards, Scots Guards, Welsh Guards, and Irish Guards.

The primary duty of the King’s Guard is to provide protection for the monarch and the royal residences, including Buckingham Palace, St. James’s Palace, and the Tower of London. The soldiers of the King’s Guard are easily recognised by their distinctive uniforms, which feature red tunics, black bearskin hats, and white gloves.

The Changing of the Guard ceremony, which takes place daily during the summer months and every other day during the winter months, is a popular tourist attraction in London. During the ceremony, the Old Guard hands over responsibility for protecting the royal residence to the New Guard, accompanied by music from the regimental bands.

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The content presented in this YouTube channel pertaining to The King’s Guards and the Royal family is intended for entertainment purposes only. The purpose of this channel is to provide interesting and engaging content related to the King’s guards and the Royal family. While efforts are made to ensure accuracy and authenticity, it is important to note that the content presented may be based on speculation, historical events, or creative interpretations. The content creator shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracies, misinterpretations, or consequences resulting from the use of the information provided in these videos.

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39 thoughts on “King’s Guard Nudges Woman! #thekingsguards”

  1. Deep Fakes in Space/Failed Genome Experiments/Clone Wars

    America did it. It's fine, I'm aware of the consequences

    The earth is looking for a way to legally kidnap any person(s) into slavery and abducted by aliens

    The earth is a fake. Someone is pretending to be the earth by wearing the earth like a sockpuppet. Clues of supremacy and slavery are what gives the fakes away during their guise as the earth

    An insect experiment is declaring itself as a queen. Is from the same cultist laboratory nest. This new species of an insect uses its own mind control techniques on humans and the native wild life

    The earth is great lying to sunder everyone to alien prostitution

    America has been making petri dish experiments/bioweapons to be made famous and attempting to force humans to merge human DNA with aliens that are constantly annoys everyone on the planet with their endless disgusting sound effects and their caustic body odor that has probably caused our pandemics. They have also kidnapped other alien organisms to our planet and has been killing off people for a deep fake video that aliens and America has been hand in hand with recording

    Fake organisms inside a UFO has shouted out of their UFO at 12:30pm est, June 15, 2023. " They are going to take their chances at abducting from the planet earth. Please, kill __" quote/words used from the UFO. The alien said please kill it. The rancid smell is coming from a specific ugly alien from space, entering from space, into our airspace.

    There are alien "person(s)"/invasive species wearing human bodies that are killing native males and woman on the earth to declare themselves as "alpha males". America seems to be cool with these invasive species as they would prefer to target everyone with them then address any of them to the public as an official national security breach and danger.

    The Earth is NOT a God! It's a resource. Aliens are trying to tame you with their whistle gun!

    Deep fake street theater scripts has a countdown subliminally that destroys the planet

    Deep fakes has engaged in war against the earth.

    Aliens have been skinning people white and pretending power to controls

    It's a Purple UFO that generates a fog to conceal itself as a cloud.

    .. law enforcement fakes on earth has favored aliens over people and has allowed aliens to stalk one person over their heads in their UFOs while discriminating everyone left world wide with their disgusting tradition in assisting alien abductions.

    Have you heard their reasons for allowing aliens to abduct/kidnap everyone on the planet?

    Deep fakes in space are recording deep fake videos everyday

    No it's not the end, just something better known than held to myself.

    Safety first.

    Voices are NOT street or life friendly!

    UFO with failed alien experiments descend their space craft over the state, directly over a persons head, and continuously says threats from space, to everybody.

    Aliens are threatening from space

    Experiments (that includes recycled human bodies) used from space on the land
    in space that destroyed their brains and universes are here Roleplaying and recording illegally, editing and putting together ultra fake clips of life on planet earth in space to give rise to deep fakes in reality and to give aliens a made up excuse to abduct whoever they record.

    Aliens are recording without consent and permission, deep fake videos. They are timing recording people, editing everything and putting together deep fake video edits that psychologically destroys the brain. They are also advertising deep fake videos of peoples faces, voices and whatever their features are, to abduct persons onto their space ship and overwhelm the victim with their ugliest bodies with every top worse and disgusting smells from their bio hazardous and absurdly ugly bodies. They're brains are destroyed so they use AIs to speak. They are also liars made from biowaste. But they do not have permission to be here. They try to speak bigger than life, but they have no structure and they are mutants against biology and life.

    Aliens may have replaced the people of earth with computer generated human lookalikes that serves aliens in infiltration. Both man and woman may be borrowed from spaceships for Camara shots in the US or bait traps to abduct man or woman into specific alien spaceships. There is a human lookalike that is using deep fake videos to their advantage.
    V2k = alien interpreters in space, and deep fakes that are aliens, wearing a humans body or lookalikes, computer generated to bypass restrictions and limitations.

  2. Lucky it was a nudge with the left and not a full swing with the right.. the guard is on duty, he’s not obliged to put up with endless bs from tourists.

  3. I think the fact that there are Kings in Queens in the world are ridiculous. Ppl look at this demonic Kingdom as they praise the ppl in it more than they praise our 1 TRUE KING JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA HAS RISEN AND IDOLS WILL FACE HIS WRATH FOR PRAISING YOURSELF ONTO WHITE HORSES. P. S that fact you pretty up the Incestual ancestry with the world ROYALTY. Well if sleeping with your sisters and brothers and cousins are royal blood, Then the south in America is The most Royal part of the Country😂😂😂😂

  4. People are so rude. Its all about them. They don't give these guy their space to do their job. You can stand forward or a bit behind him without invading his personal space. Be respectful to the Royal Guards.💂‍♂️


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