King Arthur: Knight's Tale – Merlin Inferno Build Guide

Merlin is one of the most unique Arcanists in the game and also one of the strongest with flames spewing everywhere. There is however one item that synergizes so well with him, that is elevates his damage dealing so high and creates its own build for this hero. The build guide will show how to best use this new combo and set the world on fire.
Time Stamps:
0:00 – Intro
0:48 – Essences
2:37 – Gear
5:37 – Skill Breakdown
11:36 – Fight 1
13:20 – How to NOT use the combo
15:20 – Fight 2
18:03 Wrap Up


11 thoughts on “King Arthur: Knight's Tale – Merlin Inferno Build Guide”

  1. Can you make Sir Leodegrance Sir Lancelot and Sir Bedivere please.
    I love skill break tree so much but some time I don't understand all skill mean.

    ps. my English not so good but I still watch and learn Thank you.

  2. Do you have any recommendations on using merlin and morgana together? I'm halfway through my first playthrough (rightful-old faith) and being a fan of both merlin and morgana, I really want to use them together but it seems like they occupy the same role. Do you think it's still worth it to build morgana if I have already built my merlin? (I haven't gotten morgana yet)

  3. I have the same weapon equiped by Merlin. I wonder why the actual damage is so amplified. According to the explantion of the option, the burning DOT is done at once when the option triggers.15:50 shows the enemy would get 55 burning damage for 5 turns. so the total damage must be 275. If the damage is amplified by vulnerability 10%. Then the damage must be 302.5. However, as you clear have shown, the actual damage was 593, which similarly happens to me as well. Could you give a clear explanation what factors did amplify the actual damage please?

  4. Super minor nitpick. Like super ridiculously petty, but it triggers me you refer to the runes as weapons and armor. They are just runes added to the gear the heroes already have. They never get a different weapon or armor it is just a new magical rune added to it.

  5. Great guide! I’m getting ready to do the mission to get him. I guess since I’m Christian/Rightful, I shouldn’t take Morgawse? I also have the Forsaken Legacy event available to do and it recommends an arcanist. Do you get more bonus by choosing that class for the event? I have Ector, but if I’m getting Merlin next mission, I figured I send him once I get him. Any advice, my liege?

  6. Regarding Fog skill, it states it affects range skill. Some spells like falling star are tagged range, but I believe they are unaffected by this disbuff. I’m assuming it’s only range types that are projectiles like fire bolt. Do you know if that’s correct? I was thinking about getting it next level because it sounds good since Merlin can become immune to it and all my other guys are melee. Mordred uses Thunderbolt, another range spell but I believe it will still work since it isn’t a projectile. Similarly, chainlightning


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