King Arthur: Knight's Tale – Knight of Midnight (Very Hard) Boss Guide

The Knight of Midnight mission is the first boss mission you come across in the game and I think presents the first real jump in difficulty for an unprepared player. He has a lot of health and can do a lot of damage, with bad strategy or a bad party comp, this fight becomes a lot harder and it’s very easy to have characters die in this mission, especially on the highest difficulty. I cover what I think is the best type of team comp, my general strategies going through the mission and then the entire boss fight itself.
Time Stamps:
0:00 – Prep and Team Comp
2:17 – Pre Boss Fights, Tips and Strategy
10:56 – Boss Fight
18:15 – Aftermath


3 thoughts on “King Arthur: Knight's Tale – Knight of Midnight (Very Hard) Boss Guide”

  1. I didn't watch this video. I had to savescum this fight on my current playthrough. First attempt I managed to kill all the 3 banshee but KoM kept spawning more. I assumed the banshee had to be killed before I could do damage on KoM. I was wrong, 2nd attempt I just attacked KoM with everyone, he died, we laughed 😅. Good times. Ector and my marksman took a few vitality dmg. Shrine nearby healed Ector.


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