Kimberly Clark Saenz : Bloodline Bleacher

Nobody knows why she did it, but Kimberly Clark Saenz started killing the dialysis patients that she was supposed to be taking care of.

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33 thoughts on “Kimberly Clark Saenz : Bloodline Bleacher”

  1. Keep doing what your doing, it’s getting lots of views.
    But, it’s not for me. I came to listen to you tell stories but now you play so much interrogation video. Sad, I watched your channel since you started and now I must say good 👋 bye bye

  2. If the US didn't have a profit health care system, how would private companies be able to charge crazy amounts to hopeless patients and take advantage of them? Those same companies wouldn't be able to hire low-lifes at poverty wages to murder Americans. They couldnt make money if we had a strong government that demands and enforce standards to our health system.

  3. Besides Kim injecting patient’s lines with bleach and even killing them…she’s not trained to be working with dialysis patients. @ all!!
    She rambles on and on.! Thank God for pro active patients who watch the Tech’s…because some patients fall asleep trusting the nurses completely.

  4. I worked at Davita as an LVN for over a year. These patients trust you with their lives and my patients would be so paranoid because of psychopaths like this. This is so sad, I would always triple check my medications and bleach checks because I would be mortified if I hurt an innocent patient even on accident!

  5. I’m finding it fascinating how this educated woman is intentionally muddling her words, using incorrect words and butchering pronunciations in what I believe is an attempt to make herself look like a dumb, demure, quiet, sweet, unsusceptible little woman that no one should look twice at. The interviewing officer behaved so perfectly, maintaining that quiet voice so that she couldn’t use his tone or volume to escalate into hysterics and stop answering questions. Her blubbering, repetitious non-answers are mind numbing to listen to. I applaud him.

  6. There should be records of firings of personnel ( nurses,PA’s , clinic caregivers, nursing home CNA’s etc) in a central database that can be accessed by hospital/ clinic potential employers. This information should include the reason for firings, and detailed info. This will stop these demons from murdering people if this info is available. They should be stripped of their licenses if any whisper of drug theft or sudden abnormalities is suspected and confirmed.Then the person should be held accountable. These people are trusted with lives of the unaware sick and elderly or children .This is becoming more and more common . I’m 62 and it makes me deathly afraid to get sick or trust any health care provider. Thankfully I research things as best I can for myself, but most people are just not educated as to specific procedures , including me. We have to be able to depend on our caregivers. Thank goodness for these women who blew the whistle. It makes it hard for truly upright and dedicated professionals.

  7. In Australia we have a national health regulator that is responsible for the registration of all health practitioners. If concerns are raised about the health, performance, intoxication or sexual boundaries violations of health practitioners, this is managed at a national level.

  8. Preach it brother. Miss Linda is a blessing…more humans need to take her as an example to live by. I'm heartbroken by this story. I ha e several family members that have received dialysis. An attentive, well educated staff with the desire to help others seem non-existent. The mismanagement of entire departments thrive off the exhausted, overworked staff. Staff who really care are the prime bait and they either A. Leave. B. Become one the repressed staff or C. Take their frustrations on the patients. Change is integral to even getting an edge on this issue. The damage done and attempting repair is what will be the harsh reality.

  9. Have you slowed down the playback of your videos or something? I swear your voice sounds more sluggish in your recent videos but it sounds more like a slow down of the audio track than your actual voice.

  10. Notice that when she began to feel they were on to her bs, both of her feet point towards the door of the interrogation room…Classic behavior of somebody wanting to get out of the situation…

  11. This Skank Is at Mountain View Prison for women In Texas until she takes her last breath, right where she needs to be for life. behind bars, I hope she doesn't have TV privilege's, but she probably does, Say Hi to Darlie.

  12. Not many people know that Davita, one of the 2 main for-profit companies running 85% of US dialysis clinics, are in a legal grey area when it comes to medical oversight. They’re notorious for having about 35% less staff-patient ratio than hospitals, and severely overwork and undertrain their staff. They are not required by law to have a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant with at least 6 months of experience in kidney care be on-site at all times when dialysis is being performed. Employees are forced rush to patients in and out the door which has led to the nurses not being able to properly sanitize equipment in between patients. They do not have to report when patients get dialysis-related infections, and management has been known to fire people that ‘make too much fuss’ about the concerning conditions at these facilities. Not to mention the fact that they’ve had multiple lawsuits where they were found to use more vials of certain medications than necessary because of the additional funding they could collect from the government.

    This all being said, I’m not surprised this was able to happen for so long without anyone noticing or doing something about it. It’s disgusting how this could have all been avoided with an ounce of regulated oversight.

  13. Thank GOD for Angels like Ms. Linda. See something, say something – that is what a loving community does, we protect our vulnerable – we don’t let anyone get hung out to dry by the evil of the world.


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