Kherson Counteroffensive + Q&A | Live | [Ukraine war map analysis]

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31 thoughts on “Kherson Counteroffensive + Q&A | Live | [Ukraine war map analysis]”

  1. Bridges are fixable but Russia needs to do a better job at protecting it. One they need to find these HMRS systems and destroy them. Russia is disappointing militarily they should have a full time team looking for these pieces of equipment. I mean it is not hard to put circles on a map on there last locations using math to determine there locations are possibly at they also know how far they can fire draw a line on the map of possible firing points.

  2. Price cap to Russia a threat to OPEC countries also. Previously US imposed sanction some countries.
    So OPEC countries may cut energy production. OPEC countries depends on oil exports for their economy and OPEC countries are the leader of world economy. So problem is coming for western economy.
    I think Oil price may heat upto 400 dollar a barrel.

  3. I'm from Serbia and think war with Kosovo is not gonna happen anytime soon, it's just political games basically, they want recognition by us and using this situation in Ukraine to heat things up but I don't believe actual war is in anyone interest.

  4. There is a strike wave and rise in class consciousness in the British working class. This seems to me to be very significant. It comes at the beginning of the energy price rise …was already happening. This is the biggest fear of ALL of the oligarch -friendly governments

  5. There's reports from Ukraine of our M777s and French artillery pieces are breaking down from constant use , they have no extra parts to fix them. Our government made much of our weapons to deal with groups of militants in small quick fighting , not for a large fight with a large military. Our American armoured vehicles keep on getting destroyed , they are made for a different kind of war , our government doesn't want to send Abrams tanks because it'll hurt the image of our tanks once Russia shows video's of burnt smoking American tanks . I'm sick of people here acting like the war on terror compares to this situation. Our last war against a giant military I would understand , the Korean war of the early 1950s. The Vietnam war was a strange war .

  6. I think you are very wrong about energy. Europe has enough energy for the general public. They will not suffer. Industry on the hand will. If the industry suffers there is likely going to be a recession. If there is a recession one thing happens, there is reduced demand, if there is less demand there will be a price reduction.

  7. Tu95s would be a horrible option , unless they use it to fire cruise missiles from out of the s300s range , they are a turboprop bomber , about 600 mph speed , is good for a old fashioned style.
    Its compared to our B52 bombers at 650 mph , idk why we still keep them , they only would be good against a country that can't attack above the clouds .

  8. Thanks for your commentaries and analysis, I highly appreciate it.
    I have a question regarding the "Possible Russian Goal" line drawn on the map you are using, which, besides everything east of the Dnipro, includes everything south of the northern tip of Transnistria. What's the source(s) for this goal line? And how realistic would it be to take that huge piece of land (including Odessa and the panhandle southwards, meaning the last sea access for Ukraine, besides being vastly more hostile from an "allegiance" standpoint) for the Allied Forces? As far as I saw from your videos, your "future projections" haven't gone further than them possibly capturing Mikolaev.

  9. I also think they are wrong on energy 😕 they have no reason to say whether they have a substantial reserve or substitute just saying if it was me I wouldn't go announce it if I had it

  10. nuke war coming, it is the only way to see who wins in the world!! anglo-Jews cartel or Russia-China alliance,it is sad to see Slavic people killing each other,i hope Balkan will not explode, Serbia,-Kosovo, and Bosnia is danger point too!

  11. Destroying Kerch Bridge? Hmmmm….one of the results of the war has been the creation of a "land bridge" between Russia and Crimea. The role of the Kerch bridge has gone from essential to convenient.


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