Key takeaways from Zelenskyy's U.S. trip | NewsNation Live

Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy told cheering U.S. legislators during a defiant wartime visit to the nation’s capital on Wednesday that against all odds his country still stands, thanking Americans for helping to fund the war effort with money that is “not charity,” but an “investment” in global security and democracy.

Security and political analyst Paul Rieckhoff weighs in on the key takeaways from Zelenskyy’s trip.

#Zelenskyy #Ukraine #Russia

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26 thoughts on “Key takeaways from Zelenskyy's U.S. trip | NewsNation Live”

  1. I want to hear more about how he plans to fight the corruption in Ukraine, not just how he they will fight Russia. I know they need help, but let's not forget how Biden told Zelensky to get rid of the corruption before this war started.

  2. Thank you Jesus that the Firelake is forever and the people who stood up for that speech have tickets.
    help me to forgive them that they would repent and prevent this failed state called the USA to degrade further,
    but i know it won't, and thanks again Jesus that there is Hell for these demon worshippers

  3. What an absolute disgrace. This man, Zelensky is both a bad and corrupt man. This woman is stupid beyond belief. One of the key reasons that Russia invaded was due to the corruption and stupidity of the the Ukrainian Leadership. It is an absolute insult to Veterans who earned a shadow box with the American Flag. I am disgusted by our cowardly leadership.

  4. I remember CEOs of top 4 Auto companies going to Congress in 2008,9 asking 4 help. Senator or rep said, "you fly here in your private jets with a TIN CUP in your hand!" Cant help but notice a comparison of current affairs/issues in USA. There was no applause. No surrender of our Flag, foreigners of more importance than US Citizens. as if UN is running the show
    How much did we contribute this time & when & how will they make reparations. Neutrality comes at a cost to his country under his leadership. The same for our Legislative body. Will they & all his displaced citizens fight & come to our defense SOON? Seriously doubt it. They won't/wouldnt join NATO, their neighbors policies of unity. Why? Too cheap to pay their fair share of dues? But expect the western world, whose lifestyle is abhorred, to FUND war & BUILD BACK BETTRR?

  5. Merry Christmas UK ! Americans are in a depression and our border is being invaded by those stealing our social security the minute they cross the border. But hey enjoy those trillions. BTW Putin is pissed so idk what this news station gets by deceiving people .


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