Kenyans flock China square for ‘cheap goods’ despite outcry from local traders

Chinese Retail Supermarket chain China Square Limited, has announced Temporary closure of it’s retail shop situated at the Kenyatta University’s Uni-City Mall, on Sunday, 26th February 2023. The announcement by the Chinese owned retail shop comes a day after Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria, proposed to Kenyatta University Vice Chancellor Professor Paul Wainaina, to buy out the lease for China Square at Uni-City Mall and hand it over to traders from Gikomba,Nyamakima, Muthurwa and Eastleigh.


35 thoughts on “Kenyans flock China square for ‘cheap goods’ despite outcry from local traders”

  1. I get the argument for and against local and Chinese traders. But, I favor local traders argument more for greater good of Kenyan economy and this is why. If importation cost of goods from China is, let say 2 billion, for both the locals and Chinese. Then Chinese will put a slight margin like let say 30% that margin will be plough back in China hence, Kenya economy loosing money. On the other hand, the extra margin the local traders put will still remain here in Kenya and help grow the economy.

  2. Imajine a whole country we don't have a store like China square then you want to close it coz you feel your business which you sell us fake stuff from kamkunji . people need to grow up,china square should reopen

  3. china knows kenya is the easiest country to exploit. All that money goes back to china and for the chinese, they have a place to dump all their rejected items which don't pass QC standards. The chinese know Kenya, is a country with no standards, no inspection, no regulations and the chinese know they can easily bring anything into the kenyan market… even poop laced with carcinogens made to look like a lamp shape and Kenyans will happily line up to buy. The chinese can't pull something like this in Rwanda.

  4. Competition and efficiency lead to lower cost, benefit customer. local should learnt to compete. one lesson learnt from China experience, just open up and the enterprise will do the rest. it take some shock and time, but eventually they will swim by themselves. the chinese industrialist are the most competitive now.

  5. Our own government has failed ever after independence. So let foreign investors come over for big change. Even our own government can't afford simple trading stores. Decades and Kenya is still a big slum

  6. Moses Kuria should stop this BS we are now getting goods at a cheaper cost consumers have been exploited for so long by this kenyan importers who hike prices. Your just fighting for your selfish interests puny politics.

  7. There should be more retail outlets like this. U.A.E has soo many. Why are Kenyan traders afraid of competitors. I encourage this move. Let Chinese bring their products in our country.

  8. Kenyan government and the so called "local traders" are a funny bleed. China Square is a good opportunity for business people across the country. Our country can start their business by buying products and reselling them to people who can't access the mall at a small profit.

  9. this is a problem with us africans. we do nothing until a outsider comes in and does a better job. precolonial we had land but did nothing with it until we saw crop plantations boom then we went to war . now the mall has been sitting there nobody did a thing . sasa ni shida mchina ameingia?? WIVU WIVU

  10. This is the best idea ever, for those complaining bcoz they've been taken advantage of by the government, the landlords n then wanaachia poor consumer the baggage.. hehe, sasa acha kiumane mambo itajiset na hiyo order ka unaelewa!


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