Kenneth Copeland Spoke At Bethel Church?!

World-renowned Word Of Faith/Prosperity Preacher Pastor Kenneth Copeland spoke at Bethel Church in Redding California this week. In the past, we have expressed our concerns about Kenneth Copeland. Does this newfound fellowship with Bethel change our opinions of those at Bethel Church? And how should people be thinking about Bethel in light of Copeland’s most recent appearance?

All this and more at 4pm CST!

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32 thoughts on “Kenneth Copeland Spoke At Bethel Church?!”

  1. Hey guys, I totally agree that what he preaches is haresy and bad character. Thanks for being humble and gracious. What you are doing is helping me a lot. 🙏🙏🙏✍️💡💡💡

  2. The only problem I have with this is, you point out what is wrong but you don’t say what is supposed to be right. I’ll like to hear your explanation of the scripture Jesus quoted about God instructing Moses to make a brazen serpent and put on the pole. Please can you throw some light on that?

  3. I have been struggling for years to understand Bill Johnson’s comments about Jesus as a man. His full love fest for Kenneth Copeland makes it very clear for me, they are birds of the same feather. I haven’t wanted to face it because I love many that are associated with Bethel & sister churches, but we just have to speak up in areas of diminishing Christ.

  4. Bethel continues to have bad fruit because they are a bad tree. You will continue to see bad fruit because they are illegitimate and are trying to get to God through a false Jesus who cannot save.

    Matthew 7: 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

  5. Have you seen Copeland slip into demonic tongues on stage???? Ooooooops. Bill lacks DISCERNMENT. “Depart from me, ye who work iniquity, I NEVER KNEW YOU!” Jesus to FALSE PROPHETS at the end of time. Ooooooooops.

  6. I think y’all addressed this topic really well and with appropriate nuance and grace. Y’all obviously take the commandment to love your neighbor well by seeing the best intentions in them whenever possible. That’s largely missed in these types of discussions so I commend y’all for that. Especially with all of the pressure you receive to call bethel leaders outright heretics. While bethel should not have allowed Kenneth Copeland to preach at their church, I have yet to see any compelling evidence that bethel leaders espouse little gods theology.

  7. Good shepherds (pastoral elders) are mindful with who they put in front of their flock. New believers will follow suit to what they see "mature" Christians do. Kenneth Copeland does not preach a biblical Gospel. Bethel's/Bill Johnson's Christology is way off. For Bethel to welcome a "teacher" like this, speaks about and in IMO affirms their lack of discernment and/or intentions as an assembly. We can say we appreciate their love for the gifts and keep praising them, but as time progresses, they seem to be going more and more wayward in their theology – and theology matters, obviously. They are leading many people down some very dangerous roads in their teachings and BAD theology, and they just welcomed one of the biggest false teachers in our time into the pulpit.

  8. As a strategy, it's a good play if you are in the goat farming game to not defend your errors but to issue obfuscating confessions whilst still selling the books and earning click income from the videos and not giving the retraction/confession/correction equal exposure in comparison to the original error/mis-speaking/mis-communication. It's a great way to just keep the misinformation machine rolling while throwing enough humble pie around to placate those who would endeavor to find the best while being willfully blind to the general unreliable nature of the institution. Too much poop in the brownie, for sure.

  9. Remnant Radio is a blessing. Paul did the same thing in Corinth. Test everything by and thru Holy Spirit. Discerning through the Holy Spirit VS, Discerning through knowledge (eyes) is totally different. Most Censationist see through knowledge (eyes) rather than the spirit. Remnant Radio is a modern day Pauline Ministry

  10. Avoid both….don’t chase after signs and wonders or listen to their faux charismatic nonsense and wacky interpretations of holy scripture….instead seek to live humble lives and focus on showing compassion forgiveness and mercy…even to those who persecute you.
    Look into Kenneth Copeland eyes…do you see Christ reflected there or something else ?
    Research the concerns and dubious practices at Bethel and ask yourself, is this really what Christ had in mind for His people.
    The sheep know the shepherds voice….but beware the hireling.

  11. I've been in ministry for 40+ years and in the early days I was a follower of Copeland. I would get up every Sunday morning and turn on the "Believer's Voice of Victory" with my notepad and order his cassette tapes, and also supported his ministry monthly (and I'm still not wealthy 🙂 ). One Sunday morning he had the audience get up and stretch before he continued his message (because his intro could be 2 hours) and suddenly his eyes started blazing like fire, he stepped up toward the crowd and yelled, "Well, Lord God! I didn't dismiss the thing!" Maybe they had a plane to catch, maybe they had another appointment, maybe they had heard enough but were kind enough to wait for a break. Whatever the case there was no excuse for embarrassing those people in front of a stadium full of people. I then started examining his teaching and looking more closely at his scriptural references. That "equal with God" teaching isn't new.
    Phillipians 2:5,6 – Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: (And this is where he would stop, saying that this is also how we should think also). But if you take out the verse numbers you see he stopped mid sentence. The following verses say, "But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT COPELAND WAS SAYING. It is a call to obedient humility.

  12. Seeing that Bethel had a low-key sexual predator in their pulpit — that'd be the late, not-so-great Bob Jones — Copeland, even with the wackiness, is a choir boy in comparison… I side eye Johnson not because of the doctrinal errors, but his enabling of obvious wolves like Jones and Todd Bentley (another sexual predator)…

  13. It’s good you are trying to talk about this stuff. The lack of exposure and the “playing down” “overlooking” this stuff has led to many many people leaving the charismatic movement. Every year for the last 10years I continue to see and hear of more and more families reluctantly leaving their local charismatic ministries (they been in long term) and becoming fully committed to more traditional or liturgical churches. 😢

  14. To be totally honest I fear Copeland will help usher in the antichrist. When he had that catholic priest come to his church to say we are all Catholic now…. yikes. This man has a serious demon. I understand that Bill Johnoson likes to have people they disagree with speak at bethel to challenge them but this is a problem

  15. I live in Redding and can attest that they saved the Civic Center here, has helped restore downtown and has done a lot of construction and clean up projects in the parks and around the community.


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