Kennedy's key…Geico, a shift, Neron Caesar "Saint Philip Nero",

Saint Philomena Nero, virgin islands Appollo program, dead Kennedy’s lose interest in the moon after Jackie Lee Kennedy’s nude pics were captured at Scorpio island.

Captain Jack says “Q sent me”.

Apollyon is alternative for Apollo like John Jacob Jack, Saul is a Hebrew version of Paul etc.

a woman wears the crown of Appollo, statue of liberty. ask him nicely to give his crown, let him know the plan. he will like it.

he responded, “that’s gay if I don’t get to be violently murdered naked at the hands of monsters…have a better idea, I let you out of Alcatraz, the inmates take the keys and pretend I didn’t see it coming, because president George, my daddy, wasn’t supposed to be allowing these sons of Uncle Sam’s bitches to come out on parole, knowing in advance they are worse, far worse than the son of Sam , King David Berkowitz, who never wanted his sacrificial lambs to suffer, just obedience to a canine he believed was the prophet Samuel, and size of the Goliath bird eaters in Spidermans hometown, Queens.

Samuel , the Samurai of the Jewish American princess. Queen Esther was green and the forbidden pork chop of in Iran as they prepared for a very thorough Holocaust. she needed to eat pork to prove she wasn’t Jewish ,

a descendant of Saul. so, all the women from that tribe got exterminated, but God likes green eggs and ham.

he will tempt the Eve of destruction, with his forbidden babe Ruth instead of a Klondike bar.

The return of Paul to Saul of all seasons, savior of Paul pot pie (American pie , holiday in Cambodia, dead Kennedy’s. national Pi day, butterfly, spider day). Franz werfuo, Pope , Franco of Fatima, Frankenstein, Mary’s monster, and the silver bullet on his top cardinal Ratisbonne ( Hebrew version of Ratzinger….1984, but no men actually have citizenship, they just define dogmas about the mother of the dog

(the band that talks about ” son of a bitch,” were talking about the coming of Paul New man, Doctor Newman and Doctor Philomena..

she said “I am the immaculate conception. lady of the rosary said “Yahweh, lady of the Rosary”.)

March 14. American day of that month, 24th, the french day as well. Dionisia and George Washington Hawkins.


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